Thursday, October 5, 2017

History Of The PIT BULL

Pit Bull - Photo  by    max schneider  (cc)
No other breed of dog has experienced as many discriminations and misconceptions as has the Pit Bull.  While some people would tell you that Pit Bulls are a gentle and harmless pet, other people consider them as wicked and evil enough to be Satan’s guard dog.  Although neither viewpoint is accurate, both have some basis in fact and in the dog’s controversial origin.

Humans and dogs have long shared a bond that was based on function.  Early dogs that were the least valuable and useful did not make it into today’s time.  On the other hand, the most valuable and helpful of dogs remained and created others like them.  Ultimately, breed predecessors were produced by breeding the best hunters to the best hunters and the best guards to the best guards.  Those that proved to be the toughest and the bravest, which are traits that were most valued during the early times, became more and more specialized.

By the Greek era, large and powerful dogs which were called Molossians, were very popular and valued as a high price piece.  Phoenician traders regarded them as an expensive commodity and used them as a bartering item.  By means of bartering, the Molossians were distributed along the Phoenician shipping course which included stopovers in ancient Britain.  The Molossians who remained in Britain became further specialized and brought about the beginning of the mastiff line of dogs.

The Mastiffs were polished as war dogs in Britain.  When the Romans invaded Britain, they were impressed by the Mastiffs’ stance and strength that they brought some back to their country.  The Mastiffs then became known as fighters or “dog gladiators” who went against humans, lions, bears, and even against each other.

Like Rome, the British also revealed in this vicious sport.  They also placed high worth on contests that showed animals fighting to the death.  The display of a powerful dog fighting and ultimately killing a bull was the biggest entertainment that the villages could provide its citizens.  This form of entertainment extended over all classes and by the sixteenth-century bull-baiting and bear-baiting became the finale for a royal night of entertainment.

The dogs’ owners gained popularity for their animal’s impressive act, and the offspring of these dog gladiators were desired and sought after for their capability of delivering high prices.  And because of their power, strength, and ability to bring wealth to their owners, more and more of these dogs were produced over the course of time.  This is where the Pit Bull claims his heritage.

During part one of our brief history of the Pit Bull, we touched upon the origins of the fighting arena which included this dog.  From Rome to Britain, these dogs were used as fighting sports dogs which ranged in battles with other Pit Bulls, to lions, to animals as fierce as cage bulls, in which this dog invariably got its name.

In order to understand the influence that created the Pit Bull of today and what could be a dire future for the Pit Bull of tomorrow, you should be aware of its roots and origin.  This remarkable and yet controversial dog is a mixture of strength and softness, between fun and serious business, all wrapped up in loyalty and love.

Where did Pit Bulls come from and why were they branded as the most vicious dogs that were ever to walk the planet?

 During the sixteenth century, the cruel practice of bull-baiting was the favorite pastime of the British.  Bull-baiting is a spectator sport in which one or two dogs were released and would try to grab a bull (which was chained to a stake) by the nose.  This exhibit of tormenting the bull often lasted for hours for the purpose of entertainment. The British also had a misguided belief that torturing the animal before killing it made its meat more tender.  For these reasons, bull-baiting became very popular to everyone from all walks of life.

This atrocious sport finally became illegal in England at around 1835, but that only forced the dogfighting fans and gamblers to conduct their own covert matches underground.  And although organizing an underground bull-baiting event would have been a difficult task, setting up a dogfight in a barn or back room without being caught was quite easy.

The sport favored a somewhat smaller and swifter dog than the ones that were used at baiting bulls and other large animals.  Many historians believe that the stocky bull-baiting dogs were crossed with the more swift and alert terriers to create a small, strong, and agile breed that was named Bull and Terrier.  Other historians think that the Bulldog of the time was very similar to today’s Pit Bull and it was a simple process of choosing and breeding the most successful fighters.

As the Bull and Terriers or Bulldogs became less recognized for their bull-baiting ability and began to be more popular for their fighting skills in the pits, these breeds became known as Pit Bulldogs, or as we call them today, Pit Bulls.
Nowadays, Pit Bulls are recognized as fun-loving dogs that would make wonderful additions to any family.  But that way of thinking has not always been the case.  Before they were considered great pets, these dogs once endured awful prejudice and unfairness because of their ability and strength.

Although dog fighting is considered illegal, fans and supporters continued to carry out the sport with minimal interference from law enforcement.  In the 1970’s however, the American Dog Owner’s Association (ADOA) decided to lobby against dogfights.  The association successfully brought public attention to pit fighting, helping to push it into the shadows and completely put an end to the sport.

But that did not stop the supporters and enthusiasts to carry on with the game.  Dog fighting continued and went underground.  Instead of turning people away, the sport’s illegal nature only attracted more people, many who whom knew more about the game’s pay-offs but had very little knowledge about the Pit Bulls.

Knowledgeable breeders of fighting Pit Bulls could no longer disclose information about training methods for fear of getting caught by the authorities.  For this reason, novice dog trainers, as well as Pit Bull breeders, began using cruel practices to train these dogs.  They would often use stolen puppies and other dogs to try to encourage the Pit Bulls to kill.  These breeders and trainers would go as far as feed them with gunpowder to make them mean.  In addition, they used other people to beat the dogs with clubs in order for them to turn aggressive toward strangers.

Needless to say, these poor methods of training were unsuccessful and the dogs rarely won at matches.  The breeders and trainers had no other choice but to discard these dogs.  The terrible harm that was done to these dogs made them very difficult to bring home as pets and the harm done to the dog’s reputation was beyond measurable.

While most people shun these dogs because of their notorious reputation, some people seek them in order to have the toughest dog on the block.  Although certain types of breeds filled the position throughout the years, it was not until the early 1980’s when the Pit Bull made it to the top of the list.

While most people think that the Pit Bull makes the supreme macho dog, a lot of them do not understand the instinctive nature of the breed and the training it requires.  In an attempt to create a bigger and more aggressive dog, these people promote random aggression and even cross their dogs with larger and more aggressive breeds.  This mixture of bad breeding and bad training produced more aggressive dogs that have resulted in the Pit Bull’s notorious popularity.

    Article Written By J. Foley

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Veggies For Your Pets? - PET FOOD

Vegetables in your dog’s diet, and minor amounts in your cat’s diet, can enhance their health and provide a rich and diverse supply of nutrients, enzymes, healthy fibre and antioxidants. In the wild, dogs and cats would have acquired plant foods through the semi-digested remnants in the stomachs of their prey; vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Canines possess a greater ability to break down plant matter and synthesize relevant nutrients therein. Because of this, although classified as carnivores, they are in fact omnivorous and are not solely reliant on animal meat for sustenance. Wolves can be observed eating fallen fruit and berries, and first consume the stomach and intestines of their prey where plant foods can be found.

Felines on the other hand are obligate carnivores and are unable to manufacture essential nutrients from plant matter. These include the amino acids taurine and arginine, and the fatty acid arachidonic acid. Unlike omnivores cats also cannot convert vitamin A from beta-carotene in plants and need animal-derived sources of vitamin A such as liver. Accept for smaller prey which cats eat whole, in the wild the stomach and intestines tend to be avoided, yet organs such as heart, liver and lungs are enjoyed.

Cats require a lot more protein in their diet than dogs and are in no way adapted to digesting carbohydrates. In the wild vegetable matter in their diet is minimal and in a semi-digested state in the guts of their prey. Cats can rely pretty much entirely on protein and fat for energy conversion, both being converted into glucose by the liver, and other essential nutrients can be gained through meat, soft tissue and bones.

Thankfully pet owners are beginning to move away from toxic, poor grade and species-inappropriate commercial pet food. Natural, holistic, homemade and raw diets are being favored, which can include healthy plant-based ingredients (not grains however, which are used as cheap fillers in commercial products and ill-suited the physiology of cats and dogs). The beauty with homemade meals is that you can ensure fresh quality ingredients and easily incorporate vegetables and fruit.

Where dogs can eat around 30% plant foods in their daily diet, cats only require around 5-10%. With both, ensure veggies are blended well as they do not easily digest cellulose. This also makes it easy to mix the vegetables with the rest of the homemade meal. As cats only require a very small proportion of veggies in their meal, you can blend veggies and freeze the mix in an ice-cube tray, defrosting one cube a day for their meals.

Include a range of vegetables and always aim to include something green. Green vegetables contain chlorophyll which is cleansing and detoxifying. Chlorophyll is a great liver ally, assisting in the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body and also shows anti-carcinogenic potential. Human studies in China have found that chlorophyll may help delay the onset of symptoms of liver cancer caused by mycotoxic grains as are sometimes found in commercial pet foods.

You can use throw away vegetable parts such as outer leaves, ends and stems or left over cooked vegetables that you don’t consume. Raw is always preferable however as nutrient and enzyme content is maximum.

You can supplement your dog or cat’s diet with superfoods such as kelp or alfalfa (the latter more suited for dogs) and algae such as chlorella and spirulina. These are very alkalizing however and as dogs and cats in particular require an acidic diet, only very small amounts are advisable. Always research dosage amounts before giving any kind of supplements.

Vegetable Choices

You can experiment with most vegetables. Try any of the following: carrots, celery, chard, spinach, avocados, kale, squash, watercress, cabbage, turnips, broccoli, peas, green beans, cauliflower and asparagus.

Some below-ground vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes are included here. These are higher in sugar content however and as such should be used in smaller proportion to any above-ground vegetable choices. You can add some occasional fruit also such as blueberries, bananas, apples, papaya or pear.

As a note, raw onions are not friendly on your pet’s digestive system and can be dangerous to their health so should be avoided. Garlic is also a health risk for cats, though minor amounts occasionally in your dog’s diet may serve as a natural flea repellent, be sparing however as the sulphides in garlic can be detrimental to the blood cells of animals. I also avoid tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and potato.

Nuts and seeds can also be a valuable addition to your pet’s diet, containing healthy oils (walnuts and flaxseeds are particularly high in omega-3 oils), as well as vitamin E and minerals such as selenium (a powerful antioxidant particularly high in Brazil nuts).

You can grind your nuts and seeds before adding to your pet’s meal. Only small amounts are needed; for larger dogs aim for one nut or a few seeds a day, smaller dogs and cats every few days.

If you would like to change your pet's diet to a healthy, holistic, species-appropriate diet or are embarking on a natural homemade or raw food diet research the area first as nutritional balance is essenital.

Copyright 2006 Sylvia Riley

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why A GOLDENDOODLE Is A Perfect Pet For Anyone

Goldendoodle - Picture: Pixabay

Having a pet dog like a Groodle is likened to giving oneself a very special gift. It may mean a tiny penny taking care of it, yet for pet lovers, the costly grooming and nutrition requirements are plain obligations parents should take in hand for the betterment of their little ones. Pets are more than just home buddies. These can be anybody's companions even in extreme outdoor adventures. And if someone needs to be at home for the whole week while everybody others are on holiday, these great chums can definitely fill in the presence of their loved ones.

Groodles are also called Goldendoodles. They come in a plethora of sizes but regardless of physical magnitude, they are still huggable. Like bears, they are indeed as cuddly. What is more, Groodles are pretty versatile, gentle, and affectionate. Finding a perfect breed can never be a breeze, but nonetheless, there has to be a good breeder out there with a good guarantee of a buyer's money. Hence, one should spare adequate amount of effort in seeking for an ideal source of Goldendoodle Illinois; if not, he would end up regretting each time he realizes how wrong he was for picking a wrong dog.

Good breeders are popular to people. It may be wrong to resort directly to someone who has the loudest name but it is also not impractical to assume that this is beneficial somehow. Word-of-mouth can be an effective way of advertising, and pretty sure, people behind it do just not makeup stories so as to become helpful.

A perfect breed is not only about its physical appearance. While it is tempting to buy a cute bow-wow with the finest fur and pretty face, it is important to recognize the nature or temperament of the dog regardless of how tamed it is at first glance. There are Goldendoodles that can be aggressive depending on how they are raised.

The characteristics of the dog are not easy to determine in a snap. It is best to spend time at the pet shop or kennel where they are raised and sold. Just like a person, though, a dog needs some time to adjust with a stranger.

Hopeful pet owners must wallow in their verdicts about buying especially when faced with critical issues regarding health and finances. It is nice to have pets but if they jeopardize them in many ways, they had better insist not on a decision that can result in their own misfortune.

Dogs need adequate vaccination and nutrition. If their owners fall short in providing their basic needs, they had better say goodbye to them any minute. As much as dogs need special attention, these also need to be heartfelt care.

Interested individuals must acquaint themselves about the things they consequences of owning one. Other owners can give them hints on the right ways of raising pets. It pays to ask.

Dogs are amazing creatures. They are brilliant entertainers for anybody down in the dumps as well as great buddies for lonesome individuals. Buying one can be a lot, but as long as one has a friend to hold on to whenever he needs one then his decision is perfectly justified.

    About the Author: Lena Stephenson
You can visit for more helpful information about Why A Goldendoodle Is A Perfect Pet For Anyone.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Protect Your Family And Pets Against Shared THREATS

None - This image is in the public domain and ...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
On one hand, there are many ways having a pet can contribute to your health. Pets offer emotional support, help people exercise and assist the disabled.

On the other hand, pets (and other animals) can also spread diseases to people. Called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses, they can be especially dangerous for young children and people with certain medical conditions.

There are two main types. One, such as leptospirosis (a bacterial infection), can be transmitted from animals to people. The other type infects both people and pets. Lyme disease, for example, can cause arthritis and is spread by ticks.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your family and pets healthy. According to veterinarians, you should:

• Get a wellness exam for your pet every six months. Remember, pets age seven times faster, on average, than people and need regular checkups.

• Make sure your pet is protected against disease whenever possible. Many zoonotic diseases, including leptospirosis, Lyme disease, rabies and giardia (a parasitic infection), can be prevented by vaccination.

• Ask your veterinarian about flea and tick control.

• Wash your hands often when touching, playing with or caring for pets.

• Never handle the stool of any animal without wearing disposable gloves or using a plastic barrier.

• Avoid kissing your pet or letting him lick your face.

• Do daily "tick checks" on yourself, your kids and your pet. If you find a tick, use tweezers to slowly pull it out. After removing the tick, immerse it in rubbing alcohol. Wash the tick bite wound and your hands with soap and water.

• If you're pregnant, have someone else clean the cat's litter box. If you must do it yourself, wear gloves and immediately wash your hands after changing the litter.

• Wash your hands after gardening or working in soil where pets may have relieved themselves.

• If you are scratched or bitten, wash the area with soap and water right away and administer first aid. If you are concerned, contact your health care professional.

• Not let your pet drink from standing water outdoors.

• Remove food, garbage or nesting material that may attract disease-carrying wildlife.

To help protect pets and the people they come in contact with, thousands of U.S. veterinary clinics are participating in National Pet Wellness Month, a veterinary clinic-centered educational campaign sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association and Fort Dodge Animal Health.

Veterinary clinics offer pet wellness exams and consult with pet owners about disease prevention and other ways to help their pets live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Your veterinarian will know the predominant disease threats in your area and can develop a plan to provide disease protection for you and your pet.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

BASENJI - Dogs of the World

BASENJI - Dogs of the World - Photo: Pixels

Saturday, September 30, 2017

YORKSHIRE Terrier - Dogs of the World

Yorkshire Terrier

Friday, September 29, 2017


ACL Pointocurl Fiorentina
Pointocurl - Photo   by     Nickolas Titkov (cc)
The American curl cat is easy to identify: They have ears that curve back and toward the center of their head. This cute little kitty is known for being very friendly and loving toward its owner, while also being trouble free health wise. They don't have many genetic diseases associated with their breed, require very little grooming and come in long or short haired versions.

The American curl cat has a personality just as unique as their ears. They're known for their cute, cuddly -- approachable facial expressions. Most people either love most cat's independent nature or hate it; the American curl cat is anything but independent thought and isn't an animal you want to have around for just a showpiece. They love attention and will go out of their way to get it.

Many owners believe the cat's mischievous personality comes from the fact that it actually takes them 3 years to reach adult maturity. Many breeds will reach maturity not long after they're a year old, but the fact the curl takes so long to mature means they have youthful exuberance well into their life and are known to live for a long time.

The curling of their ears usually happens a day or two after birth and the ears will be permanently set or curled by the time they're four months old. The quality and value of the cat are determined after the ears have set. The more of an inward curl the ears have to make the cat's show capability better, as the curvature of the American curl cat is what they're judged on at cat shows.

Their personality remains intact regardless of their curl though and is well worth the investment to compliment your family. They are great with children and respectful of other pets in the home also.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

SPHYNX Cat - Cats of the World

Sphynx Cat

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

How To Keep Your PIT BULL’s Attention While Dog Training

English: American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are certain rules that you should follow every single time you work on training your Pit Bull Terrier. One of these things is making sure that you are training him in an area where there aren’t lots of distractions. Distractions can be an important tool used for training your Pit Bull Terrier, however, it is important to get the basics down before doing so.

When your dog has mastered the basic commands that you've taught him and is excelling in his obedience training exercises without distractions, it is at this point that you can begin introducing outside distractions to challenge him more. Doing this is a great dog training strategy that will teach him to follow your commands even when there are other things going on around him. 

Your ultimate goal is to have your Pit Bull obey your commands regardless of location or environment. As your dog progresses in his training, you’ll be able to give him a command in the middle of a crowded area and he’ll obey you. This is an important thing for not only his safety but the safety of other people and animals as well. Having a well-trained dog can eliminate many of the horror stories you hear related to owning a dog.

You should also learn to prevent your dog’s mistakes by learning what makes him falter. For example, if you’ve given the sit stay command to your Pit and he starts to get up, correct him immediately so he learns. You’ll definitely know when he is getting ready to break the command by the signs he gives. He may bite or lick his paw, act uneasy and fidgety, etc. Whatever your dog does when his attention is beginning to stray, recognize it and work on regaining his attention.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Malamute - Photo   by       shotofwhiskey   (cc)
The Alaskan Malamute is the largest of the Arctic dogs. The head should be wide, with good erect ears. It looks similar to the wolf but has a sweeter look. The eyes are medium and dark in color is desired. White or blue eyes are considered being a fault and are not desirable by the written standards. It should have large feet, with thick pads. Thick double coat of fur, that is about three inches long. Colours come in a range of grey's sable or red. Within the coloring should be shadings. Here you can have wolf grey, black and white, red or sable to red. The only nonshaded color allowed is white. The dog nearly always has white legs. The standard sizes can vary.

History: The Alaskan Malamute dog is descendent from the arctic wolf. First used as a working dog some 3000 years ago. This is a Nordic sledge dog, which comes from the Mahlemuts. This is a tribe who raised these dogs and where the name comes from. These dogs have been used for a long time as sledge pullers and can pull large weights over great distances.

Temperament: With the Alaskan Malamute dog you will find a loyal dog with intelligence. They can be very loving to their owner. This breed is good with older children, but you need to teach the child what is acceptable play for this dog. With the right handling, this dog can mature to a fine dog. This dog needs firm handling and a clear leader of their pack, which must be the owner. They need companionship, daily mental stimulation, and physical exercise to get the best from this breed. 

Feeding can be an issue, and you need to watch the size of meals as they can eat more than they need. The Alaskan needs good supervision around small animals and other dogs as it has got a strong prey instinct. This dog benefits from obedience training, and it is highly recommended. If you do not train this dog well you could have a lot of problems, as if they get bored, they can do a lot of damage in a short time.

Health issues: The Alaskan Malamute dog can suffer from bloat, this can be very serious and not be taken as just a bit of wind. They can have hip dysplasia which should be checked before they are sold. Another thing this breed can get is dwarfism called chondrodysplasia.

Grooming: The grooming of the Alaskan Malamute is relatively easy, and the breed only requires brushing twice weekly. When it sheds it is very heavy shedding, with the undercoat coming out in clumps. Bathing is not needed, as dirt will come off in the shedding. While this dog doesn't need bathing it is not smelly but clean and smells fine. You can use dry shampoo if you so desire but only occasionally.

Living conditions: With the Alaskan Malamute we have a dog that can happily live outside but will wish for the company of the owner. Due to the fact this is an active dog, apartment living is not recommended. They will need at least a good size garden, with high well made fencing. Think about the fact this dog can dig, and will do so, there for some form of an underground fence can be needed. Here we have a dog that can cope well in cold weather but in the warm weather, you will need to offer good shading and clean cool water to drink.

    By Scott Allan Lipe
    For more information on different Dog Breeds, Dog Training and Teacup Puppies for sale including Yorkies, Chihuahuas, and Morkies please visit our websites below.
    Alaskan Malamute

    Article Source: EzineArticles

Monday, September 25, 2017

ANIMAL LOVERS are never lonely

Early childhood is an impressionable period of life in which children are often dog lovers. Parents have a great contribution in the building of their children’s character by encouraging them to be animal lovers and allowing them to have a dog as a pet. Parents should encourage their young to become animal lovers because this will mean never to be alone, to always have a friend, to be comforted when sad, to be happy and needed, to learn responsibility and, last but not least, to love. That's what an animal friend teaches a child: the most valuable lesson of all.

Seeing dog lovers in parks, on television, in stores, and on the streets, one can realize the benefit of having a pet as a company. Having a dog or cat around the house will surely bring animal lovers a lot of smiles. Cuddling, big round eyes sending messages of love, cute fluffy ears or tail moving in signs of joy should make any heart melt. Animal lovers are the ones that feel for these helpless beings.  A pet is not an object one buys to keep around the house, but a living thing that communicates and interacts with the persons around it. Animal lovers know that and they appreciate every smile a pet brings on their faces.

Dog lovers know that pets depend and need them more than a human ever will. The animals around the house have to be fed and watered and cleaned constantly, just like a child. They need their masters just like a child needs his mother to survive. Having a pet means having a lot of responsibility and dog lovers sacrifice their time, money and effort to keep their beloved company around them. Animal lovers assume the responsibility towards their pets with pleasure and never regret their efforts because they do it out of love. In exchange, animal lovers receive even more.  Animal lovers are never lonely, are always loved by their pets, they never get disappointed and often receive the comfort that a human could not give them. Not to mention animal lovers won't ever feel nagged by their pets, neglected or left aside. Having an animal for a friend is having a true friend for life.

Another reason to why animal lovers are never lonely is the fact that their sacrifices talk a lot about the kind of person they are: communicative, generous, not selfish, always around to help their friends in need, loving and attentive. There are many people who would want these qualities in their friends or their lovers, so animal lovers are very appreciated and loved by everyone. Single persons that are dog lovers can easily find a company not only in their animal friends but in their human friends also. Not to mention that dog lovers usually find dog lovers also as their friends, because their passion for the same pets will give them a lot of things in common to talk about. A shared passion (of any kind) will always bring two persons together. Imagine a dog lover going out to walk the dog every day. Who is the most likely going to have as a friend? Will it be his female neighbor that can't stand dog lovers? Or will it be the girl that walks her own dog in the park every morning just like him? Animal lovers, because they love life and its smallest proofs (animals) will never be alone and they will always share their pleasure with those that appreciate the same thing as them.

So if you are looking for company, animal, and human, don't forget animal lovers and their pets! They will bring you the soul medicine everyone needs: love.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

PETERBALD - Cats of the World

PETERBALD - Cats of the World -  Photo: Pixabay

Saturday, September 23, 2017


The Karelian Bear Dog is a close cousin of the Russian Laika and there is a very strong similarity between the two. However, the Karelian Bear Dog is a native of Finland. The Finnish name for the dog is  Karjalankarhukoira. The earliest settlers of Finland had to survive in a rugged land and hunting rather than agriculture was their main source of food. They needed a dog that was strong and fearless to hunt and bring down the animals of the region, which included deer, elk, moose, and bear. 

Karelski pies na niedźwiedzie sylwetka.JPG

The Karelian Bear Dog has always been the hunting dog of Finland and has changed very little from the earliest times. Because it is a limited genetic pool the lines are quite pure. It became a very popular hunting dog for large game and there was a considerable number of these dogs at the turn of the century in northern Europe and Scandinavia. However, the two World Wars decimated the population. It is now a rare dog and today all of the Karelian Bear Dogs can be traced back to only forty dogs which were still in existence after the war.

The dog has exceptional hunting ability although not exceptionally large. The height at the withers is about 22-24 inches. It is always black with white markings. The body is of a Spitz type (short backed and squared off with a tail which curls over the back.) Some Bear Dogs are born with a bobtail. The coat is not profuse or long but is quite dense and double in nature. He is a dog with good "substance" but not the appearance of massiveness. He needs to be an agile and speedy hunter and is therefore of moderate size and is slightly longer than he is tall. The ears are upright. He has a keen sense of hearing and smell and is considered a scenting dog rather than a sighthound.

The Karelian Bear Dog has today gained a popular following in Canada where it is used as a dog which does hunt and brings down the large game and especially bears, but this, of course, is only done during "bear hunting season". However, there is now another use for the Bear dog. Today there are resort owners who keep two or three of these dogs and use them on a regular basis to patrol their resorts and keep the bears away as a protection for the summer tourists. There happens to be an extremely interesting experimental program in progress at a place called the Wind River Institute in Canada which is utilizing the Bear Dog to "train" bears to stay away from populated areas.

It is unknown at this time whether this program is effective but to all appearances, it may very well be a new and quite useful application of the Bear Dog. The dogs are trained to bark and chase away ( rather than chase down and kill) the problem bears which raid the garbage dumps and so on...and correspondingly the bears are "trained" to stay away from the populated areas. This breed has a courageous and fierce natural hunting instinct, it will follow its game to the end and is persistent and unyielding. This is a breed which has never deviated from its original purpose and should not be owned by the casual pet owner.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Fast Friends - GREYHOUNDS Are Dogs for Adoption

More and more greyhounds -- retired racers -- are showing up at family homes to begin new lives as pets. This is the happy result of efforts by organizations like Greyhound Pets of America and changing attitudes of the public. People across the country are realizing that these stately animals actually make good pets.

About the Breed
The greyhound is an ancient breed, as evidenced by Egyptian tomb drawings that date back to 2900 BC. They first came to America with Spanish explorers in the 1500s. They are tall and lean -- the fastest breed of dog that can reach 45 m.p.h. in a few strides. Only one animal -- the cheetah -- can accelerate faster. Fully grown greyhounds reach 60 to 70 pounds and live about 12 years. Racing greyhounds usually retire after age two to six. They have a very short, smooth coat, are low-shedding and are counted among the favorite dogs for people with allergies.

Two brindle Greyhounds named Bonnie and Jimbo ...
Two brindle Greyhounds named Bonnie and Jimbo playing. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From Racer to Family Member
In the 1980s an organized greyhound-rescue movement began to take shape. The idea was to take dogs from the tracks when their racing days were over and adopt them out to good people who were looking for pets. The movement grew and today some 80,000 retired greyhounds have made the transition from athlete to a family pet. There are numerous organizations finding homes for these dogs, but Greyhound Pets of America, established in 1987, is the leader of the pack. Those interested in adoption should contact the GPA first.

The 45 m.p.h. Couch Potato
Most people are surprised to learn that greyhounds aren't nervous, hyperactive dogs that might spring into action at any moment. Quite the contrary. Since the dogs for adoption haven't had a "puppyhood", each one needs a bit of time to get used to home surroundings and even learn to play with toys. This process goes quickly and very soon the dog is a full-fledged member of the family. Greyhounds are known for being gentle, loving pets that enjoy the company of people and other dogs. Indoors, they are quiet, calm and extremely well-mannered. They get along well with children, but it's a good idea to supervise play at first. You might expect the world's fastest dog to be in constant motion. Far from it. Owners report that a greyhound can easily sleep for 18 hours if he's not disturbed. Hence the couch potato moniker.

Blood Donors
Another surprise about greyhounds is that their blood is special -- a quality that makes many of them eligible to be universal donors for veterinary blood services. Greyhound blood has a higher red cell count, lower white cell count, and lower platelet count. Vets often offer free care to these blood donors.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


Finnish Spitz

Finnish Spitz
Finnish Spitz - Photo   by      Llima

Group: Non-sporting
Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 18 inches

The Finnish Spitz was originally brought from the area of the Volga River Area to Central Russia about 2000 years ago. This breed is the national dog of Finland, and the Finnish Spitz is referred to in quite a few Finnish patriotic songs. These dogs are now extensively acknowledged throughout the Scandinavian countries. The Finnish Spitz is fine at hunting birds, and they also make good family pets.

You will find this breed to be lively and sociable, energetic and enthusiastic, devoted and courageous - but at the same time careful. The Finnish Spitz is tolerant of children and other animals in the household. They have a good hunting instinct so they may chase after smaller animals. This breed is very intelligent and likes to be a part of the family. On the other hand, this breed is not ideal for all families - especially in households with lots of tension or loud bickering.

The Finnish Spitz has a coat that cleans itself seeing that these dogs are viewed as arctic dogs. This breed does not need a lot of overall maintenance, but if dead hair can be removed with a brush or a comb. The coats of the Finnish Spitz don't have a typical doggy odor. The Finnish Spitz sheds heavily on a seasonal basis. The coats of these dogs are very rich, and they can remain shiny and thick all year round if these dogs are maintained throughout the year.

The Finnish Spitz is a very smart, self-assured and intelligent breed. They will learn new skills very quickly and are easy to train when the right training methods are used. This breed can, however, be stubborn when overly anxious or full of fear. It is imperative to work with the Finnish Spitz in a calm manner whenever possible. These dogs are willful and brave and will perform at a high level once they are comfy and have admiration for their owners. The Finnish Spitz has time and again been used in competitions as show dogs seeing that they have so many good qualities and virtues. This is an impressive hunting breed, and they can also be trained to be racers and rescuers from an early age onwards.

Health problems
The Finnish Spitz is a relatively healthy and has one of the lowest occurrences for health issues. There are however a few conditions that potential owners should be aware of and these include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and deafness.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The Basset Hound, a sad-eyed, slow-moving dog, has maintained through the years a popular high level, due to its keenness to the hunt and its docility in the home. Whether the Basset Hound you buy is intended for a household pet or a trailer, this is a breed not to be ignored. Indeed, it is not ignored as the Basset Hound's popularity is ever growing.

Basset hound
Basset hound (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 
Serious huntsmen have long been aware of the merits of this most deliberate scent hound, who tracks his quarry with sureness, in his own way and in his own time. Whether he is tracking rabbits, foxes, or pheasants, the Basset Hound can be depended upon to make his way easily through heavy ground cover and give plenty of alerts to the hunter.

If one member of the household is to hunt or train with the Basset, spending a lot of time with him, an unstoppable bond will develop between the two, only the master will receive the same enthusiastic response from the dog. The Basset Hound is an exceptionally loyal dog, and while some may view his ways as being sluggish and stubborn, it may well be that he only reacts with a special intensity for his beloved master. They always bark with that rich vocal tone and sling themselves around when the master returns after being away. As the excitement mounts higher, the Basset will grab a toy and sling it around wanting to get all of the attention.

The Basset Hound has a European origin. The St. Hubert hound was the forerunner of our Basset Hound and many other kinds of scent hounds which appear all over the world. The St. Hubert hound is reported to have been developed bearing that name and located in the French forest region of Ardennes. St. Hubert founded his order during the early years of the sixth century. Legend has it that before he became an abbot, St. Hubert was a happy go lucky, carefree young nobleman, who loved to hunt, and who was miraculously converted one Sunday by seeing a vision of a deer with a cross between its horns.

With a deep love of the hunt, he set out to develop a new strain of hound dog in his kennel at the France-Belgium border and indeed the hounds of St. Hubert was of a very distinct type. All early accounts describe them as being tan and black with long ears, long bodies, heavy heads, and comparatively heavy and short legs. There was also a longer legged, a white variety developed. Both types had wonderfully keen noses and deep voices. The long ears of the breed assisted them, then as now, in their hunting, capturing the scent and forcing it up from the ground toward the dogs' noses. Of course, the original purpose of these hounds was somewhat different than it is today- the superior of a monastery for men who worked to create this breed used the longer-legged strains to hunt wolves and boars, and required a dog of incredible stamina and fearlessness. While these traits are still retained in the conscientiously bred Basset Hounds, the game that is now pursued by the breed is of a less ferocious type-small woods animals such as raccoons.

When St. Hubert bred small-legged one's of the breed, to each other, it was because when they hunted small game, the thick ground cover of the Ardennes required a hunting dog to keep his nose steadily to the ground. In longer-legged dogs, this was a physical impossibility; as the dog's back and neck would no doubt begin to ache if he were stopped for long periods. Thus, as the legs of the Bassets got shorter, so too did they get more crooked until they arrived at the seemingly gnarled, stumpy type we see today.

The temperament of the hounds was described as being gentle, obedient, and mild and that they were not useful for killing the game but only for trailing it. It is now believed that the Basset Hound as we know it today was developed over the years by careful selection and breeding of the short-legged variety, and by the inclusion in the breeding program of "sports" or dogs with very short legs. Many early accounts refer to the Bloodhound and give rise to the idea that somewhere there was a cross between it and the Basset Hound.

The St. Hubert hounds became scattered over various parts of France and were crossed with local types until all the different colors were developed. The name "Basset," was derived from the French and bas, means low set.

The American Kennel Club registered its first Basset Hound in 1885. In 1935, a group of Michigan breeders met at the Detroit dog show and formed the Basset Hound Club of America. In addition to those present, 12 breeders from throughout the country were invited to become charter members. By 1950, a Basset Hound had become a world-famous television star, and "Mr. Morgan," is what he was called, caused the breed to become very popular. Since this time, the adoration of Basset Hounds has grown and the registrations listings put out by the American Kennel Club is proof of this.

Will this breed continue its upward surge and move into say, the top ten? If the past is any indication, we can be assured that our beloved Basset Hound will become ever more prominent on the show circuit, tracking fields, and a spot he readily and lovingly occupies in the family home. I can attest to this because I have two Basset Hounds in my home, a female, black, brown and white named Sally Mae and a male, black, brown and white named Cletus. If I can tell you anything from experience about these dogs, they are the sweetest natured and very loyal dogs! When they get excited or when lazily stretching, they become very vocal, I think sometimes our female can say "Mama". They know how to get their way and they have kept us laughing as they do the craziest things. Our male, Cletus drinks water from the water bowl with his nose propped up on the side. Sally Mae is our professional rester, she loves to eat and sleep, but when awake she demands your attention. We love our Basset Hounds, that is why I have my website and want to learn all about them.

By Linda McRae - Article Source: EzineArticles

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The German POINTERS Dog Breed History

The Origins of the German Pointer breed
As the name suggests the German Pointer dog, also known as the German Shorthaired Pointer comes from Germany. Even though researchers do not have many details about the origin of this breed, they all concluded that the German Pointer breed is a mixed breed that developed in time from mixing breeds like the Spanish Pointer, the Foxhound, the Bloodhound and other hunting dogs and later the English Pointer.

German Shorthair Pointer
German Pointer - Photo   by     Rexness
The German Pointer breed belongs to the European pointer dogs. There are records about the pointer dogs as well as the hunting dogs from Europe ever since the 13 the century. Todays German Pointer is an elegant and versatile hunter both in the water and on land. He is a specialist in bird hunting and is admired for his great personality.

The German Shorthaired Pointer is related to the German Wirehaired Pointer, a breed of dog mostly common in Germany and less in The Great Britain or The United States. Though they are both mixed breeds and have related predecessors, the German Wirehaired does not have any Bloodhound or Foxhound predecessors. The Wirehaired Pointer, however, originates from the Pudel pointer, another mixed breed between the German Pudel and the English Pointer amongst others.
Past records of the German Pointers breed

Even if there aren't many records that talk about the German breed but mention the hunting dogs for their proficiency in finding and tracking large and small animals as well as their dexterity in both water and on land, the breed got some recognition after it was crossed with the English Pointer in the late 1800s. The German breed was recognized as a breed and recorded by the German Kennel Club in 1872.

In the 1920's the German Shorthaired breed was taken to the United States where it became a popular breed. Not too long ago the American Kennel Club, that formally recognized the breed in 1930, stated that the German Pointer reached the 20th place in a list of most popular breeds in the US. In 2005 a German Shorthaired Pointer dog won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and the first show where a German Shorthaired Pointer participated was held in 1941 in Chicago

Monday, September 18, 2017

WHIPPET - Fastest Dog For the Size of It

A Whippet is a mid-sized dog that belongs to the sighthound group of dogs. They have short hair and look similar to the greyhounds. It is the fastest of all domesticated creatures of the same weight often traveling as fast as 35 miles per hour.

English: "Fireworks Whippets" at NAW...
"Fireworks Whippets" at NAWRA 2008 Nationals and WWD.
(Photo credit: 

History of the Whippet Breed

The Whippet breed was originally bred to use its sight to hunt and chase game at fast speeds. During the 19th century, the Whippet first appeared in the Northern section of England. These dogs came from two different types of greyhounds being mixed with small terriers to produce a hound fast enough to go after a small game like rabbits.

The Whippets were owned by the common laborers. These Whippets became the poor man's racehorse in fact because they would race them. They would have them race down the roads or across the fields for about 200 yards.

The AKC recognized the breed in 1888 and it is in the Hound Group. The English Kennel Club did not recognize the breed until 1891. Today, the Whippet is extremely popular in the dog shows and has won many championships in various sections.

Temperament for the Breed

Whippets are gentle dogs that are very loving and enjoy getting and giving affection. The breed is calm and sweet and very rarely even barks. They will bark when they need to, but they do not make good watchdogs though. They can get snappish at times so they are not recommended for your kids. They are friendly enough though to be used around the elderly in nursing homes.

If they are not raised around cats they will chase them. Both male and female Whippets are equally easy to housebreak. They are very loyal to their owners and love to be with them. They will stay close when they can. Whippets are quiet enough for even apartments.

Health Issues for the Breed

This breed is an extremely healthy one compared to other breeds. With correct care and nutrition, the dogs can live to as old as 15 years with very little health issues. The second leading reason for death is heart disease with the Whippets. Sometimes a genetic eye problem can show up in this breed, but this does not happen that often. Undescended testicles are one problem the Whippets can commonly have.

Grooming Requirements for the Breed

The Whippets are fairly low-maintenance with their coat of short, smooth hair. They shed two times a year the fall and the spring. Brushing one to two times a week will alleviate the shedding. This will be good for the dog year round though. To add a bit more shine to the coat use a chamois cloth and rub the dog down. Only bathe the Whippets when necessary of course followed by brushing and maybe some conditioner.

Their nails need clipping to prevent overgrowth. The ears need to be checked to see if they need cleaning on the outside. Brush their teeth periodically. Also, examine the skin to make sure there are no skin problems.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

BOXER Dog - Dogs of the World

Dogs of the World: BOXER Dog - Photo: Wikimedia