Showing posts with label Barking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barking. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

BEAGLE Training Tips to Stop Beagles Barking

Beagle Portrait
Photo  by Maëlick 
Beagle barking is commonly agreed to be a popular behavioural problem in this breed of dog. Beagles are intelligent dogs with an instinct for hunting. However, their barking can drive owners and their neighbours up the wall. If this is true for you and your beagle, now is the time to put a stop to the issue.

When attempting to stop beagle barking, it is essential to first consider the reasons why your beagle may be barking. If you do not do this, you are unlikely to be able to stop beagle barking. There may be a number of reasons for your dog's barking. Your beagle's barking may be attributed to a common reason. The bark of a beagle is a form of communication. Consider why your beagle may be barking and consider the surroundings that they are in when they begin to bark. Beagles are relatively small in size yet they possess a great deal of energy. All dogs need regular exercise and if they remain indoors or cooped up in a pen for the majority of the day, they will be keen to get outdoors to expend at least some of their energy. If a puppy is unable to expend their energy, they will suffer from boredom and loneliness. When they are allowed out or do come into contact with humans, they are likely to become highly excitable. This will often lead to barking.

When you take the time to consider how to stop beagles barking, you are taking the first step to improving your beagle's barking. Take the time to consider and learn more about your dog's needs. Furthermore, you should ensure that your dog is aware of your own needs. Do not hesitate to let your beagle know when its behaviour is inappropriate or unacceptable. However, it is inadvisable to react negatively to stop beagle barking. Never throw objects at your dog to stop beagle barking. Taking your dog to a professional trainer will increase your understanding of your puppy. Furthermore, you will be provided with effective beagle training tips.

Beagles are intelligent dogs and this can often be seen as a drawback - it may or may not work in your favour. Use your beagle's intelligence to your advantage by using beagle puppy training tips. While beagles offer many beneficial characteristics, stop beagle barking training can take time, patience and effort. Once you have learned how to stop beagle barking, your faithful friend will be the perfect dog.

Monday, August 6, 2018

BARKING Problems: Train Your Dog To Stop BARKING!

English: Barking Dog
Barking Dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
All dogs bark, it’s their way to communicate a message. Dog barks for various reasons: to greet, to alert, out of boredom, to attract attention or when they are excited.

Although some barking from is acceptable, too much barking is certainly annoying, especially for your neighbors and eventually leading to complaints. The easiest way to stop a problematic barker is to control his barking while you are at home:

1. Set up a situation where your dog will always bark. For example, you can ask someone to ring your doorbell or knock on your door.

2. When your dog charges to the door and starts to bark loudly, approach your dog, grab his collar and give the command “quiet” – no shouting please, it doesn’t help.

3. If he stops barking, praise and reward. He’s a genius and deserves it.

4. When he continues barking, close his mouth with your hand, wrap your fingers around his muzzle – use both hands if needed, and give the command for him to keep quiet. Praise if he stops.

Most dogs would be able to learn the “quiet” command with repeated training like this. Set up similar situations to "lure" your dog to bark and repeat training whenever possible.

If you happen to own a hard-core persistent barker, use this method:

1. Vinegar-Water solution – mix a proportion of 7/8 water & 1/8 vinegar together. Pour the mixture into a water pistol or what kids call “super soaker” for longer distance shooting.

2. Aim and shoot at his chest whenever he can’t stop barking even on your command. Dogs hate the smell of vinegar and would usually back off and stop barking. He’ll even sneeze a few times. It’s harmless so you need not worry.

3. As always, praise him when he stops barking.

For your information, your dog might still be barking noisily and disrupting your neighborhood when you are not at home. In this case, you’ll need a training equipment known as “bark collars” to help train him.

There are several types of bark collars on the market. Some of these collars send an electric shock to your dog when he barks, some make a high pitch sound or emits a squirt of citronella which is annoying but safe for your dog. Usually, these collars can help you solve a problematic barker.

Personally, I’ll recommend the high pitch sound or citronella collars. They are very effective and more humane dog training tools.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Why Your DOG Barks

Aggressive Dog
Photo by  Mr.TinDC 
Dogs bark because we humans want our dogs to bark. For years our domestication process and selective breeding have allowed our dogs to develop their barking abilities. Wolves don't bark. Barking was further developed in dogs in order to scare intruders or to help the master out (i.e. on farms to assist in gathering the sheep). 

Most dogs simply bark to communicate, to get attention, or simply to show their excitement. Training and lifestyle are important factors in teaching the dog how to communicate with its master. If you reward your dog for barking, he will continue to do so.  The best thing is to figure out what your dog is trying to tell you and go from there.

If you have a dog that barks excessively, try to figure out what he is trying to tell you.  If it is out of a need for attention, the way to break the cycle is to wait for him to be quiet and then give him the attention he needs.  By acknowledging the barking, you reinforce it.  Waiting until he quiets will teach him that he gets attention when he is not barking.

Some dogs are extremely territorial.  They will bark at not only a person approaching but someone they see walking across the street or on the next block.  The best way to stop this is to distract him when he starts to bark.  Catch his attention with a treat or by playing.  Every time the bark cycle is broken, it sends the message that quiet will get the most reward.

Taking the time to discover what your dog is communicating will result in less stress for both you and him.  He will get much-needed attention and you will get quiet.  It’s a situation you both win.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Can Speaking And Singing Stop A Nuisance BARKER?

How do you stop a nuisance barker? Easy: Teach them how to "speak" and "sing". This might be more interesting for bothersome humans, but just way cuter for canines. All types of dogs, may it be size or breed, can be easily taught to speak. The way for it to go is to call your dog, show him a treat (which never disappoints), and say "Speak".

English: Barking Dog
Barking Dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The dog might probably not understand what you are trying to make him do, and probably would dart on the treat, jumps, and will eye it intently at first. Finally, he will sit down, gets impatient, and then utters a sharp bark which is what you have been waiting for, and for that instant when he does so, reward him with a treat.  

Not all dogs love to bark. Just like humans, some are aggressive, and some are just plainly shy. For these types of dogs, they can be encouraged to do so by imitating a bark. Chances are, he will reply to it. Reward him, a never-disappointing deed of all time, then he will learn to bark as soon as he hears the word "speak". Now, after the dogs have been taught to bark once, you can teach him a series of barks. This way, you can make him expect to be rewarded, which encourages him to bark more until you give him a stop signal, which can lead to a full phrase, or whichever you want him to do.  

Other than being social beings, dogs are very observant. By the time you signal your pet to stop at the slightest point, your friends won't detect the magic trick, such as subtle movements of hands and feet; a wink or a shift of your gaze, and if you keep up with these tricks, you might be firing up an interesting series of barks that can sound as if your pet is having a conversation. You can address him as if he was a human being to keep his performance appealing, impressive, and very perplexing.

Demonstrating the latter, if you are exhibiting your dog to an audience, and might want him to "speak", you would like to be a bit more creative like asking him a question. That way, you can probably be in a very good business as to have a "talking dog". Either way, that is much better than pestering barks in the neighborhood. 

Now that your dog can now "speak", you can now teach him how to "sing". Try making him imitate a series of whines and howls to a certain degree, reaching the pitch, and the style of noise you desire. As your pet learns how to follow you, say "sing" automatically to associate the desired action.  With constant practice, a dog can and will learn to follow your turn quite accurately. Do not forget to praise and treat him plentifully for encouragement. Exercise the activity on a regular basis. 

By this type of training, not only have you got rid of a nuisance dog, you have disciplined your pet vigorously, making him understand that barking and whining is only allowed in command. And now, for the humans.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to Stop Your FRENCH BULLDOG from Excessively Barking

Dogs bark for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are good while some can just be downright annoying. So if you have had many countless sleepless nights, constant visit from the cops because of complaints from your neighbors or if you have simply had enough of all the barking making your home stressful instead of a relaxing solitude, then it’s high time that you do something that will make the excessive barking stop. And although the French Bulldog is generally known to be a quiet breed that barks only when needed, there will be times that they too will bark excessively. 

A female French Bulldog.
A female French Bulldog. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

French bulldogs are known to be great companions; they are very loyal but can be impatient. They will bark only when they demand attention from you, or when they play or if there are intruders in the house. But even then, they won’t really bark excessively, by that I mean that when you have given in to what they want, they will stop barking already. Some French bulldogs will go on to bark though, when this happens, you will surely become, disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, embarrassed, and this will cause an emotional strain and put a dent on your relationship.

The first step in stopping your French bulldog from excessively barking is to fully understand the cause as to why it is doing so. By determining the root cause, you can develop a training that will laser target the root cause of the problem. Remember though, if the dog is barking because it’s hungry, or there is an intruder in the house, don’t reprimand your dog, this will take away their natural instincts of being a good watchdog and companion. A dog should only bark because of the situation they are in, if the situation has changed they should stop. If not, then you have a dilemma, either the situation hasn’t been fully resolved, or they have a psychological or emotional problem, or a physical discomfort. 

For the latter, a visit to a veterinarian will solve the problem. For the first problems, you need to have a good training program not only to instill in your French bulldog the proper traits, but also to create a solid emotional bond between you and your pet. There are numerous techniques one can use to stop excessive barking in French bulldogs. Some will choose to use the reward system where they provide a treat after the dog follows their command; this reinforces the notion that they have done good. Just make sure to use a firm voice and never shout at them. Be sure to also have lots of patience. It takes time to train a dog. Also, remember not to hit your dog. 

Some though would use electronic gadgets to help stop excessive barking, like a laser pointer or a collar specifically designed to stop excessive barking. This though would not help in creating a bond between you and your French bulldog