Showing posts with label Cat Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cat Health. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2017

Ways For Choosing The VETERINARIAN

Pets are very in trend these days. Even before, many individuals already have their own pets. This can be done for various purposes and you can choose the type of animal according to your preferences. But you must think about this decision since it entails various responsibilities and other things. It would just be like taking care of a baby but their development is not as advanced so there is a need to always look after them and take care of them as well.

English: A veterinarian stitching a dog, after...
A veterinarian stitching a dog, after surgery. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Their health is a priority especially since they could get sick as well. You should properly think about how you could easily take care of it as they could also get sick like other people and it could also be worse or a normal type. But despite the differences, you will still see changes in their behavior. Aside from personally taking care of them, you should also inquire about professional help by going to a veterinarian (Melfort SK).

Veterinarians are doctors that specialize on the health and conditions of animals instead of humans. They will be needing checkups from time to time and these people are the ones legally allowed to do it. Because of the fame of having pets these days, you can also see that various clinics and professionals are surfacing which means you will have various choices as well.

Because of this, it is necessary that you have standards in order for you to easily choose. Several factors can be utilized as indications in order for you to know the necessary features which could be advantageous or helpful. You will also knot the things that might not be very helpful through properly observing these things. It makes things easier and easily narrowed down.

One thing that could be considered a major factor when choosing is the comfort and feeling of your pet. Once your choices are narrowed down already, try to take them to visits and decide if they feel comfortable. They are after all, the ones being services. To make processes easier for both the doctor and the animal, this has to be done.

Well experienced staff is a must. When you take care of animals that have various temperaments, sometimes the same method would not be effective for the other especially during the services. Their ability to handle and make sure the job is done could only be developed through training as well as experiences.

One other thing that you should think about is their establishment and how it looks. Appearance is not a really necessary thing. However, it is necessary that the place be properly clean. Sicknesses and different conditions might be acquired when you are in a dirty place. Aside from that, this would also make your dogs more uncomfortable which you do not want to happen.

Some processes and services require the assistance of devices. And if this is the case, you must observe the machines present in that place. Some have more devices being utilized. This could potentially be dangerous for your pet particularly when their devices are not that functional. It has to be in good condition before you allow your pet to be serviced by the establishment.

Reviews can be your best guide. These are comments and opinions of the previous and current clients. Through their reviews, it would be easy for you to gain insight regarding how things are working. It would also be a good way for you to know more about the different sides of each clinic.

    About the Author: Mattie Knight

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Your Pets and ARTHRITIS

Arthritis is the term used in both human and veterinary medicine to describe any type of joint inflammation.  Several types exist, including rheumatoid, degenerative, and infectious arthritis, each having a different cause.  Infections, autoimmune diseases, trauma, and certain drugs, such as sulfa antibiotics, can promote joint inflammation.

LARRY! Don't get ideas! You're 11 year old cousin in La Jolla has arthritis and goes for walks in his pram
Photo by eddale 

The clinical signs associated with joint disease are basically the same.  Stiffness or lameness involving one or more limbs is often the most obvious sign of a joint problem, usually aggravated by cold weather and/or exercise.  New medications and surgical techniques have been introduced in the treatment of canine joint disease.

Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, describes the condition in which a cartilage defects or erosion occurs.  It can be inherited but is usually a part of the normal aging process in older dogs.  Infectious arthritis is caused by bacteria that gain entrance to the blood stream causing inflammation in one or more joints.  Bacteria from the gums, periodontal disease, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease can cause damage to the cartilage and joint structure.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune-related disease seen frequently in toy breeds.  Caused by an overactive immune system, antibodies coalesce within the joints causing inflammation.  Fever and depression are also features of these diseases.  Hip dysphasia refers to a hereditary arthritic condition which begins as a partial dislocation of the hip joints. In time the cartilages lining the joint surfaces wear down because of abnormal strain on the joints.

The key to lessoning the effects of any form of arthritis is early detection and treatment.  Your veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamins and supplements, and even cortisone if needed.  The real key is you and your observations to your veterinarian.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to Get Rid of CAT DANDRUFF

A cat's face
A cat's face (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you see a lot of dead skin flakes on your cat's back, it is likely cat dandruff. Like us human, it is not unlikely for cats to get dry skin due to climate, allergies, and even sun burn. Knowing what causes the dead skin, can help you to determine how to get rid of cat dandruff for good.

There are many causes of cat dandruff. Some are harmless, however others many need medical attention. Some common causes are diabetes, diet, parasites, and dry air. Before beginning an at home treatment, it is important to see a veterinarian first to rule out any serious medical conditions.

Once you have ruled out any medical ailments, put your cat on a high protein diet. Even if you think you are feeding your cat the highest quality food on the market, some are filled with animal proteins rather than meat proteins. Read the ingredient list. Meat protein should be the first item listed.

Cat Care - $2.99
Cats are little people in the respect that their skin is subject to reaction to dry air and sunburn too. As if your skin needs moist air, a cat's does as well. Consider buying a humidifier for your home. Both your skin and your cat's will see the benefits. Also, as with fair skinned humans, if your cat is white furred, it is important to give them a place to get shelter from the sun when they are outside.

So, to get rid of cat dandruff, rule out the major health issues by going to vet. Then give him the proper diet and protection from arid and sunny environments. Your cat will be happy and sport a healthy looking coat!

Cat Spraying No More

Friday, March 17, 2017


Feral or unferal, your kitty may get tangled up in one of these if they are in particular an outdoor cat. Indoor cats if by themselves are obviously not as prone to this risk, unless they find themselves outside, or a stray visitor inside.. but two or more indoor cats can have their "bad" days as well.

Feral Cat
Feral Cat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you allow your cat to roam outside in the big wild outdoors, I seriously recommend you take kitty to your veternarian from a young age and start getting him vaccinated! And make sure this is done every year no questions! This is necessary if you don't want your kitty to get infected by nasties like Feline Aids (FIV) which is transmitted through blood while fighting. This also protects your kitty among a lot of other different diseases out there like Feline Leukemia
(FLV). It is also highly advisable to get him (or her) neutered. Unspayed males will fight feirsly for a female if she is in heat, which can leave both cats in tatters and spayed males can find themselves in the middle of something they don't understand if an unspayed males get the wrong idea...

Cats fighting outside at night time can be quite of a shock, as sometimes they can sound close to a child shreking or yelling, and it is definately the last thing you want to hear when your trying to sleep at night! My ultimate way of getting rid of cats engaged in a fight is to turn the hose on them, as noises won't startle them hardly as they are concentrating too much on the other cat!

For indoor cats, obviously water all over the carpet is unwanted so I find usually placing a large object between the two which will cut of eye contact with both cats, if they are engaged in a fight, don't get in their way as cat bites can not only hurt, but are more likely to become infected than dog bites. Use a chair and turn upside down and use the back of the chair and gently slide the chair between the cats, this will startle them and stop them from fighting. Give the cats 'time out' by placing one in a closed room for a short period of time.

A good tell-tale sign if a cat is frightened, the hair will stand up all over the body and when the cat threatens or is ready to attack, you will see the hair stand up in a narrow band along the spine and tail to make him look bigger, and this is also a good time to get out that hose or chair!

With the average lifespan of an outdoor only cat if they are feral or unferal, is only about three years! Which is why if you love your kitty and want him to have a healthy live, keep him indoors and he can live a whopping 16 years longer!

Not only will you benefit from keeping your kitty living longer indoors, it will save you expensive veternarian bills for infected scratches, broken teeth, torn ears, and so on by these nasty one-on-ones.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Using Flower Essences with CATS

waratah, australia
Waratah, australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are you are trying to integrate a new cat into your feline family?   Do your cats fight with each other?

 Is your new cat grieving its lost human companion who had to go into a nursing home?  Flower remedies or essences are helpful in many situations.  Choosing the right essences is facilitated by knowing what the animals are thinking and feeling.   As an Animal Communicator, I can gather this information and choose appropriate remedies.

Flower remedies are the vibrational patterns of flowers in liquid form.  Each flower's unique energy pattern models specific healthy emotional vibrations.  When the bio-electrical systems of the animal align with the model, not only may an animal's emotional state and behaviors change, but sometimes even physical illnesses will be helped to resolve.

One client had six cats and had rescued a seventh.  When she tried to integrate the new female, the cats fought and there was chaos.  A new cat will cause a shifting about of everyone's position in the group dynamic.  In this instance, the new cat was fairly dominant.  She was unwilling to come into the group at the bottom of the pecking order.  The currently dominant cat wasn't about to give up her position.  The other five cats had their various relationships and ranks, but now all positions were fluctuating.

First, I explained to each feline what was going on and why the person wanted to keep the new cat.  I also gathered information about how each cat felt about the new one and about their individual willingness to cooperate.  I talked to the new cat to get her perspective as well.  We all brainstormed for solutions that might help smooth out the process

Then I chose flower essences.  While continuing to use Rescue Remedy, I added Walnut to help each cat cope with a major life change; Quaking Grass, to help each cat's vibrations find harmony and flexibility in the group energy; Chicory for the one cat who tended to be jealous and manipulative; and Tiger Lily to reduce aggressive behavior during the shift.  In addition, I suggested that the client mist the house twice a day with some Rescue Remedy diluted in water, creating a calming atmosphere.  The human agreed not to behave in ways that showed favoritism towards the new cat.
The cats began to settle down quickly once they were on the essences.  Over a period of months, the new cat was integrated without anyone getting hurt.

Flower essences start working immediately, yet work gradually and gently.  Sometimes behaviors change quickly, but the essences should be given for several months to assure a sustained transformation.  Flower essences will not change someone's personality, although they can take the edge off of an extreme behavior.

Another client had a male Abyssinian cat who told me he was "a God" and who was beating up on the female cat in the family, a American Short Hair, because he felt she didn't "worship" him appropriately.  His person was astonished.    "Does he think my husband and I worship him?" she asked.  The Abyssinian answered, "Yes." He said that his people thought he was beautiful; they fed, petted and admired him as much as he wanted.  The female cat was sweet, but not very self- confident, especially as the male would swat at her each time she walked past him.

We set this goal:  to boost the female's confidence while lowering the male's aggressive tendencies.  For the male I chose Vine, for being domineering, inflexible, and a bully, combined with Beech, for intolerance, and Tiger Lily, for aggression.  For the female I chose Larch, to build self-confidence, combined with Centaury, for allowing oneself to be bullied.  As a result of the essences, the male cat stopped his aggressive behavior while the female no longer ran madly past him.  The situation resolved quickly because the right flower essences were used.   The male's beliefs about himself did not change; his concern about the female cat and his behaviors towards her did.

Flower essences can be used with most species, including mammals, reptiles, and birds.  They are non-invasive and do not conflict with prescribed medications.  If you are having a behavioral or emotional problem with an animal and you would like to try a holistic approach, consider using flower essences.  With the assistance of an Animal Communicator, you are more likely to hit on just the right combination, with the added benefit of understanding your animals' perspectives.   This helps achieve the desired results.

Author: Nedda Wittels

Monday, February 13, 2017


You can see that pets are a common thing for most families these days. But more than just purchasing them and filing the papers. They also have needs that you need to properly address for them to be comfortable and healthy. It is the responsibility of most owners to ensure that their pets are properly taken cared of. If they feel that you are addressing their needs well, it would surely be harmonious insider the house.

English: Veterinary students from the United S...
Veterinary students from the United States and Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Their health is specifically something that you always need to properly look out for. Various methods are done by owners to ensure this. Proper food and the right liquid is always used. Supplements are even available. But one thing you must never forget is to always have professionals check up on them for prevention and curing of diseases. Services involving veterinary in Melfort SK and in most places can ensure they get the right medical assistance.

You will see that there are various individuals and companies offering veterinary services. It would not be hard to find the needed services. You only have to choose properly in order for you to have your pet properly serviced. Having standards will be very helpful for you when choosing. It is the best way for you to easily decide.

One factor to always consider is how legal they are in their practice. Their license and other certificate would signify that they have been through the right training. Aside from that, they also have the experience to make sure that they can provide the necessary things and services to their clients. This is also one other way to ensure that they are legally providing their services.

Being someone who have the profession of providing health care to pets, they must also be comfortable around animals. Most animals can sense when a person is not very comfortable at what they are doing. This would only make the entire procedure longer when it could have been done at a more efficient time duration. Love for animals is not something natural for many individuals.

Information regarding them would be available in areas such as the internet. Through their websites, you will have the chance to know more about them and their basic information. Reading reviews might be very helpful when it comes to properly knowing what to expect from their services and if it would be best to consider them as one of your options.

The atmosphere around the area should be considered as well. You would not want your pet to be in a place that is not sanitary. This would just make them sick even more. As a medical facility, it still has to comply with the standards of cleanliness not just in the surroundings but what they utilize to provide checkup and other processes.

Complicated operations and surgeries require machines and other types of things and devices. For it to be successful and accurate, there needs to be the presence of these machines. A non functional or old machine which do not function well can be the cause for risks to your pet. It has to be at least the latest or something that is well maintained.

Through browsing the net, you will see various establishments offering these types of services. This is what most individuals are using particularly since it could be very convenient. Aside from that, you will have direct access to their website or main information.

    Author: Mattie Knight
When you are looking for information about a veterinary in Melfort SK natives should pay a visit to our web pages here today. Additional details can be viewed at now.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Health Care for OLDER CATS

It may be hard for a pet owner to notice a pet cat getting older. Outside, pet cats may show the same things- playing with toys around the home, taking naps sprawled on a favorite spot inside the home, snuggle up with you on the sofa. But inside, it might be a whole different thing.  And health care for cats as they get old may change a little bit.

When caring your an aging cat, there are some things that a concerned pet owner should know about. When a cat approaches somewhere between the ages of eight or twelve years, this is the equivalent of a human being approaching middle age. This will be the time that your pet cat may be needing a bit of extra attention.

Old Guy
Photo by Radarsmum67
Most veterinarian generally estimate that cats start their geriatric years when they reach twelve years. This will be the time that caring for your pet cat would have to change to accommodate the needs that aging brings.

A major part of caring for older pet cats involve feeding them. As cats get older, their digestive systems do not function as efficiently as before. Aging cats may need to eat smaller and easily digestible meals in a day rather than just two square meals. Try also to make sure that you give your cat a variety of food to eat to ensure that it gets a well balanced diet.

There are also a number of cat food now available as food for the different life stages of your pet cat. There is cat food that is specially formulated for older cats as well as for the less active ones. The best advice in feeding your aging pet cat would be to ask your vet about the nutritional needs of your cat.

When cats age, they also start to lead a less active lifestyle. Whereas cats enjoy playing around and hunting during their younger years, older cats seem to prefer spending more time quietly around the home. This would be a benefit for some pet owners since they no longer have to worry about their once playful cat overturning and breaking things around the house. But this sedentary lifestyle would not be good for the cat.

Even though your pet cat would  you may still need to keep them active since the exercise would help keep them healthy. Try to have them active as often as possible to keep them active. As they age, cats may also need to have their vaccinations up to date. Older cats have a less efficient immune system and may need vaccinations to keep them protected from diseases.

Dental problems may also become a concern for old cats when they become prone to having loose teeth, tartar buildup, and sore gums. This can have a big effect on your pet cat's well-being. Dental problems may be the reason why they are not eating well. A regular dental check up might be needed as part of health care for old cats.