Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to Get Rid of CAT DANDRUFF

A cat's face
A cat's face (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you see a lot of dead skin flakes on your cat's back, it is likely cat dandruff. Like us human, it is not unlikely for cats to get dry skin due to climate, allergies, and even sun burn. Knowing what causes the dead skin, can help you to determine how to get rid of cat dandruff for good.

There are many causes of cat dandruff. Some are harmless, however others many need medical attention. Some common causes are diabetes, diet, parasites, and dry air. Before beginning an at home treatment, it is important to see a veterinarian first to rule out any serious medical conditions.

Once you have ruled out any medical ailments, put your cat on a high protein diet. Even if you think you are feeding your cat the highest quality food on the market, some are filled with animal proteins rather than meat proteins. Read the ingredient list. Meat protein should be the first item listed.

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Cats are little people in the respect that their skin is subject to reaction to dry air and sunburn too. As if your skin needs moist air, a cat's does as well. Consider buying a humidifier for your home. Both your skin and your cat's will see the benefits. Also, as with fair skinned humans, if your cat is white furred, it is important to give them a place to get shelter from the sun when they are outside.

So, to get rid of cat dandruff, rule out the major health issues by going to vet. Then give him the proper diet and protection from arid and sunny environments. Your cat will be happy and sport a healthy looking coat!

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