Unfortunately, more and more canines are becoming overweight. Obese pets live shorter lives and generally acquire other related health issues. What is it possible to do if your puppy is putting on the weight?
The very first thing to do is take a good look at the way you interact together with dog.
Do you feed the dog family table leftovers? Does your dog get between mealtime treats? Does your dog have chips with you if you are watching television?

These items can easily be eliminated. Only feed the dog at his dinner times. He does not require all those additional calories. You don't have to be terrible, but you will have to reduce the number of snacks he receives every day.
Look at just how much dinner you will be providing him and read your dog food label carefully. You may be over feeding the family dog. Nearly all puppy foods list on the content label exactly how much food a pet ought to be given on a daily basis. Make certain that you're following these instructions. Numerous owners find out that they have switched companies and did not take the trouble to go through the content label and discover that the canine is actually receiving an excessive amount of food.
Do you have to give your canine a goody to make him obey? If you do, you might want to spend some time re-training your four-legged friend. Most dogs love to delight their masters, and often will perform for encouragement by itself. Keep the puppy guessing. Ask him to complete a trick but only reward him every second time. Give the animal a lot of compliments and pets as soon as your puppy does respond accurately. Continue on doing this and slowly get rid of the need for a food incentive.
Additionally you need to look into the amount of physical exercise your four-legged friend is actually receiving on a daily basis. Leaving the animal outside in the backyard just isn't adequate. Very few family pets will workout themselves. They may be outdoors but they are probably not really burning calories from fat. You must get out and have fun with the dog or take him for a walk around the block.
When the weather conditions or even your situation won't allow for a lot of walks you'll want to consider additional workout choices. Retain the services of a walker, find ways to get the dog lively inside your home, but get your pet moving.
As a responsible dog owner see what and how your puppy eats and your friend will live a a lot longer and much healthier life.
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