Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Basic Commands For DOG OBEDIENCE

This Smooth Collie retrieves an obedience dumb...
This Smooth Collie retrieves an obedience dumbbell made of wood
(Photo credit: 
Are you bored with your dog who knows only three commands? Don't fret, my friend! You could probably use a little jazz.  Specific command words are not that difficult and important. The thing here should be the consistency of its usage. My friend, Wiki, here can give you a bit of a blast. Some of these certain commands are accepted as standard, while others are commonly used.

Here is a list you might find quite interesting:

Let us start off with the basic commands

1.) Sit – it is a mono-syllabic word that requires a bit of an authentic tone that would require for your dog to be in a sitting position.

2.) Down – just like #1, this also requires an abrupt tone for the dog to be typically down when its elbows (front feet) and hocks (rear legs) are touching the ground or floor.

3.) Heel – The dog's head or shoulder is parallel to the handler's leg on the left side of the handler.

4.) Come or Here – (referred to as the recall) you just really got to call your dog which equates the whole command.

5.) Stay – another command that requires another snap for the dog to remain in the sitting position (sit, down, stand), and location under which the command was given until it is released by the handler

Those were just some of the basic ones, but wait! Here is something for those who are too hungry to actually stop.  The advanced commands are the following (which may need more patience and dedication): 

1.) Stop – Wiki says that the dog commanded will simply stop whatever it is doing, and lie down on command no matter how far it is from its keeper is a dog that can be taken anywhere. Some handlers use the German word PLATZ (related to place, i.e. stay in position) for this action.  A little bit demanding, but who knows when your dogs need it.

2.) Back up – keepers of large dogs or dogs with a reputation (a must quote!) for aggressiveness can make strangers more comfortable by teaching the dog to back up on command. This command might probably be very useful for police dogs.

3.) Growl – now this is what you guys should be talking about. In case you are bullied, this is the inverse of backing up. Some owners teach non-aggressive dogs to growl on a subtle command –not the word "growl", just usually a small hand gesture –as a way of letting strangers know that you and your dog value being left alone.

4.) Steady – to keep nearby. The dog can walk free, but not dash off. This can be very valuable to sport dogs, and/or during competitions.

5.) Stand – on this command, the dog stands still. Funny how this seems so advanced; it is very valuable for "grooming". Many dogs are groomed frequently, that they need to stand quietly during the process. You can also use this when you want your dog to wait for you at the park while lining up for an espresso at Starbucks seven in the morning.

6.) Go to bed, kennel, or get in – this command directs the dog to go to its bed, and remain there unreleased. This is somehow useful to keep a dog out from underfoot and safe in a busy or complicated situation.

7.) Drop or Drop it
– to release something they just picked up; very useful when they're about to chew your sandals off.

8.) Leave it – an adjunction to Drop, directing the dog NOT to touch an item.

9.) Take it – the dog leaves the desired object untouched until given this command.

10.) Give – a command teaching the dog to be generous, and/or releasing something your pet has placed in his mouth on your hand.

11.) Speak – another way of saying "to bark ONLY when I say so".

12.) Rollover – can be one of the basic commands; this is when the dog lies down, roll over, and stand back up. Quite a bit of an exercise.

13.) Attack – if partnered with the command "Growl", you (the owner) will be the king of your neighborhood, though mostly used only on Police Dogs. Common commands are either "Attack" or "Sick'em".

14.) Fetch – can also be one of the basic commands where the dog retrieves a thrown object, bringing it back to the one who threw it, a nice strategy for luring guard dogs (especially when they're obsessed with balls).

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Food of Italy
Food of Italy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Food allergies are something that is difficult to identify unless one is well aware of the baseline information with regard to this type of allergy. The main symptoms of food allergies in dogs include the facial itching, limb chewing, belly itching, recurrent ear infections or skin infections. 

Since the dogs consume a lot of prepared food materials including various kinds of proteins, fillers, coloring agents and more; in the commercial food materials, the incidences of food allergies are more than one can imagine. Allergic reactions mostly involve the skin or the gastrointestinal tract. 

If you come across your dog itching after the provision of specific food materials, then suspect the food allergy in this animal. However, conditions like fungal infections need to be ruled out in general before the conclusion of itching as a sign of food allergy.

There are many recorded incidences of allergies of dogs to corn or to wheat. However, the food allergies vary from dog to dog.  Read the labels clearly before feeding your dogs with pet food materials, in such occasions.  Too much-colored food materials may be avoided since they may cause allergies to your dog.

Food allergies are often linked to the hyperactive behavior noticed in the dogs. Added colors, preservatives, and high-fat diet might cause such food allergies in the dogs and hence, one has to be careful in providing new kind of diet to their dogs and closely monitor the dog for any signs of allergy.   

There are many occasions that food allergies might be diagnosed in the dogs but the dog may have other problems like pancreatitis. To rule out the food allergies, observation your dogs everytime you feed them, look for reasons to link the signs of dog with food given, specific signs encountered, differential diagnosis etc. are the important features to be given emphasis. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

What To Know About A CRAZY CAT Lady

None - This image is in the public domain and ...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cats are popular among pet owners. Dogs and cats are among the most common household pets that people have around the globe. There are numerous reasons why people like cats and some may own multiple. Crazy cat lady is used to describe a women who dote on these felines. She may have these as her own pets or take in any that she comes into contact with. The term is often used in a derogatory way, but not everyone considers this to be a negative thing.

In some cultures and regions, women with cats are considered spinsters. This is particularly the case when they have no husband, children and multiple cats. Many have come to associate these women with people who have trouble being in relationships or finding partners.

Cat lady is often a term that is linked to those who are also animal hoarders. That is, people who have a large number of cats. Many times they have so many that they are unable to properly care for them and they are often ill. Usually these animal hoarders suffer with other mental illnesses that make them unaware of the dangers they are creating for themselves and the animals. They are usually ignorant to the severity of their situation and often interventions of some sort are needed to get the person and the cats the help they need.

There have been famous cat ladies in pop culture and even documentaries or movies that highlight these feline-loving women. Still, this is not considered a positive title to have. Cat lady syndrome is becoming a more commonly used term that is backed by some scientific research.

Studies have found a parasite that is present in some cats. It is known as Toxoplasma gondii and it is associated with mental and behavioral disorders in people. Some suggest that this can have a big affect on the health of cat owners, especially of those who have multiple felines living in their home.

Risk is heightened when dealing with multiple cats, many that are ill. Hoarding cats is expected to result in negative impacts on physical and mental health of pets and owners. It can also lead to problems with the animals and keep them from living happy and healthy lives. Some cats die. Those who survive are often extremely ill. Typically the homes are unclean and owners cannot properly care for each one of the cats.

Those who know people like this should seek help for them. Most of the time they are unaware of the need for changes. In fact, they are often under the false belief that they have control of this situation. This is why interventions are so common in these situations.

Those who are in these positions are often not mentally well. They can benefit from support by others, including medical professionals. It is also important to intervene for the sake of the animals. Although it is not the intent of the cat lady to harm the animals, they do so in these situations. Owning too many animals is unsanitary and problematic, no matter how much care and attention the cats are receiving. People should report cat ladies to help them.

    About the Author: by Olive Pate

Saturday, December 8, 2018


(Original Title: Maine Coon Cat Breed Facts)

English: A Maine Coon cat.
A Maine Coon cat. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Maine Coon cats, the official state cat in Maine, are one of the oldest breeds in North America. As one of the largest breeds, these cats can weigh between 15 to 20+ pounds. Its distinctive characteristics include a long, thick tail; muscular body; broad chest; and tufted ears. Because of their friendly temperament, they are nicknamed "Gentle Giants" by their owners.

Maine Coon History
Their origins are unknown though several popular stories have been passed along the years. One story involves Capt. Charles Coon, an English captain who frequently traveled to New England with long-haired cats aboard his ship. Upon docking, the cats mated with local feral cats and produced lots of offspring. Townspeople referred to the strays as "Coon's cats".

Another folktale involves Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, who attempted an escape with Capt. Samuel Clough in 1793. Her prized possessions, including six beloved cats, were stashed on Clough's ship. Though she didn't escape her beheading, her cats arrived safely in Massachusetts. The cats were described with similar characteristics to the cooncat. Breeders consider the cats' ancestry to go back to the 11th century with the Vikings. History shows the breed existed in the 1800s as a hunting and domestic cats.

In 1967, the breed was officially recognized as a unique breed of domestic cat.

Maine Coon Weight and Size
Maine Coon cats can weigh between 9 to 18 pounds. Males typically weight between 13 to 18 pounds, while females average 9 to 12 pounds. Their large, body shape, rectangle-build, and long hair make them look even larger. They are not full-grown until they reach 3 to 5 years of age. Adults can reach 10 to 16 inches in height.

Their length can be up to 40 inches, including their tails which can be 14 inches long.

Maine Coon Personality
They have several distinctive features, including their long, bushy tail; tufted ears; large, expressive eyes; and ruff around their neck (like a lion). Their eyes are green, gold, green-gold, or copper colors. Their coat is soft and comes in every color and pattern, except pointed patterns, like the Siamese. Their thick fur is shorter on their front legs and shoulders and longer on their back, perches, stomach, and tail. Their tail is often as long as their body.

They have a squared muzzle. They are nicknamed "Gentle Giants" for their affectionate, loving behavior. They are not lapping cats, though they enjoy following family members to offer help with any projects. Their playful nature continues in adulthood. Their distinctive meow -- a chirping sound -- lets owners know when they want their attention, to play, or to mate. They are great pets for families. Generally, they are indoor cats, and they enjoy interacting with people.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Living In Harmony Or At War? Having More Than One CAT In Your House

Cats in Fushimi Inari Shrime
Photo  by Takashi(aes256) 
I have two cats and I can't imagine that either of them would want to live without the other. They live like brother and sister. And I can't imagine me living with just one cat either.

For those that love cats, having just one is never enough.  Instead of having just one cat to call your own, you can have several.  Those who have more than one cat realize that this is a good thing not only for the cat owner but also for the cats as well.  Cats like other cat company.

Are you considering getting another cat?  Many people wonder if their cat would be okay with another being around.  If your cat is alone for a long period of time, then he may like having a cat around.  Older cats will often develop a new lease on life when there is a new kitten introduced to the home.  Some cats do like their solitude though and territorial issues can cause a problem.

New kittens mean having to go through all the frustrations with training all over again.  You’ll also need to consider the added expense of all the vaccines as well.  IF you add an older cat to the home, this too can be a challenge because the cat will need to adjust to the new home as well as to develop behavioral or health-related problems.

When choosing another cat to bring into your home, you do not have to choose a cat that is the same breed at the one that you have.  You may want to take care to choose the right combination though.  For example, a Rex with his silly behavior with a standoffish Russian Blue may not be the right combination.  Cats will similar traits can work well together.  The Himalayan Persian and the Maine Coon breeds are so friendly that they are likely to adapt to any even some of the most demanding breeds.

Set up an area for that cat before bringing him home.  He may do better if you allow him to stay in one area until he adjusts.  Allow him to settle in for the day before you introduce him to the rest of your family.

You’ll want to allow the original cat some time to get used to having the other cat in his home.  This may take some time.  For a smooth transition, make sure he doesn’t have to share his own litter box, his food or his toys with the new cat.  There are health reasons as well as feelings that should be thought of here.  Cats who are forced to share a littler box may actually decide to create their own area for a private box.

There are many reasons to have more than one cat.  For many of those reasons, you’ll be able to have that much more companionship with more cats.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

What Are Common Signs of DOGS with Hypoallergenic Problems?

Dog with flea allergy dermatitis; secondary fo...
Photo: Wikimedia
Dogs that have allergies show many signs including watery eyes, coughing and sneezing, excessive scratching and biting, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and moodiness. When your dog is suffering from allergies, you may notice one or more of these symptoms. Learning what causes these allergies is the first step toward treating your dog and preventing further attacks. 

Many allergies that dogs suffer from are caused by insects such as fleas and ticks, or by parasites. When you bring your dog home from a breeder or from a shelter or pet store, schedule an appointment with a vet as soon as possible. Make sure the dog has all of its shots and that is has been dewormed. This will prevent parasites from causing an allergic reaction in your dog. While you may have to do this more than once during their lifetime, getting rid of the parasites will help your dog’s temperament and keep them healthy. 

If you noticed small red bites on your dog or if the dog has been scratching the same area until bald spots appear, then they may have fleas, ticks, or mites. This allergic reaction is caused by insect saliva. If your dog has open wounds, you should wait until the wounds heal before spraying or bathing them with medicine that kills the insects and their eggs. Take your dog to the vet if this is the first occurrence. The vet may be able to prescribe an ingestible pill that will protect them from future infestation. You may also want to keep your dog indoors during flea and tick season. 

When your dog vomits more than once a week or has diarrhea for more than one or two days, they may have an allergy to dog food. Switching to another brand or feeding the dog softer food may solve this problem. You should take the dog to the vet anyway so that they can make sure the dog is healthy. Extreme diarrhea will lead to dehydration, so make sure you have plenty of water for your dog to drink.  

If your dog’s mood changes suddenly or you notice that they are not as playful as they once were, then you should take the dog to the vet. If the dog has eaten something it shouldn’t or if it is suffering from allergies, it will not want to play as much as it used to. Finding out the cause of their allergy may be difficult because, much like human beings, your dog may be allergic to more than one thing. 

Research your dog’s breed to see if there are specific items it could be allergic to and see if they are present in your home. Monitor your dog to see how it behaves and what it is eating. Sometimes eating too much grass can cause an allergy attack. Once you find the causes of the allergy, take the steps necessary to reduce the dog’s exposure what is causing the allergy as much as possible.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Wire-haired Dachshund in dog show in Racibórz
Wire-haired Dachshund in a dog show in Racibórz (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A dachshund, literally meaning a badger dog -- a breed developed by German foresters to scent, hunt and kill hole-dwelling animals. In the United States, it is sometimes referred to as a wiener dog or sausage dog. The dachshund is 5 to 9 inches tall and has an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years.

Explain the physical characteristics of dachshunds?
Dachshunds are characterized by a long body and short legs. Loose skin, long drooping ear, and a barrel-like chest are the other features of dachshunds. They are red, chocolate brown, fawn or black in color. Dachshunds exist in standard, miniature and tweenie sizes. They have short haired, smooth haired, long-haired or wire-haired coats.

What is the difference between standard and miniature dachshunds?
A miniature dachshund weighs less than 11 lbs, and a standard size dachshund weighs between 16 and 35 lbs.

How to train dachshunds?
Considerable time, patience, and firmness are required on the part of the owners, as well as dog trainers to train dachshunds. It is always advisable to train dachshunds when they are puppies. Dachshunds training should be game oriented and food-based. These small dogs love it when you praise them.

Do dachshunds require exercise?
Dachshunds require a modest amount of exercise. Dachshund exercises are generally a moderate walk and games in the yard.

How to groom dachshunds?
Shorthaired coats require minimal grooming. But, wire-haired and long-haired coats need regular brushing, trimming and clipping.

Can dachshunds be housebroken?
Due to its stubborn nature, it is quite difficult to housebreak a dachshund. But properly devised training programs coupled with consistency and persistence can transform a stubborn dachshund into a sociable breed. Housebreaking methods include a direct method, paper method and crate training.

How are dachshunds with children?
Dachshunds are generally good with children if they are properly trained and socialized at an early age, especially when they are puppies.

How are dachshunds with other pets?
Dachshunds easily get along with pets like cats, provided they are given proper training and instruction when they are puppies.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

DALMATIAN Puppy - Puppies of the World

Dalmatian Puppy - Puppies of the World

Monday, December 3, 2018


A liver Dalmatian
A liver Dalmatian (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I've always been a pet lover. Ever since I was a little girl and my parents brought me home my first hamster I have loved animals more than almost anything else. It didn't take rocket science for me to decide that I wanted to eventually be a veterinarian, so it was no surprise to anyone that I did indeed pursue my dream of working with animals as a profession. I did surprise people, however, when I coupled that dream with a smaller dream of raising and breeding dalmatians.

I think my love for Dalmatians began when I saw the infamous movie about them during my childhood. I think I was most intrigued with how unique and beautiful they were. So when it came time for me to purchase my first pet, there was little question of what I would choose: a dalmatian. I quickly found, however, that I couldn't stop with just one. I purchased three dalmatians within six months and was absolutely loving my life.

My dream of breeding and training dalmatians in my free time began shortly after I owned these first three dalmatians. They were such beautiful dogs and they were so easy to train and to take care of. I thought about how magical it would breed this great dog so that many other people could experience the pleasure of owning what I believe is the world's best dog.

If you are looking into getting a dog for your family's pet, then seriously consider getting a Dalmatian. Do a little research to learn about the breed and see if it would fit the needs and desires you have for a pet. Talk with owners of dalmatians and see what kind of experience they have had and what kind of advice they would give to other Dalmatian owners. And talk with your veterinarian for their perspective on what kinds of dogs and other pets might be wise for you to choose.

Having an animal is one of the greatest joys and privileges in life. I fell in love with owning dalmatians. See if you might not fall in love with owning them too. They are fun to play with and run with, yet they are not so needy that they take up all of your free time. They love to be both indoors and outdoors and they usually house train relatively easily. There are many benefits to having dalmatians the way I see it. But then again, the way I see it might just be a little biased.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Your RAGDOLL CAT Can Get Very Lonely

English: A male ragdoll cat birdwatching
A male ragdoll cat birdwatching (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Your ragdoll cat is probably a very important and ever-present figure in your life, every time you turn around you probably see the ragdoll following you around of flopped out on the floor, ready to be stepped on if you happen to step back without looking.

The ragdoll is truly a breed that loves people, or at least loves attention and affection, dares to ignore it for any length of time and the ragdoll will surely let you know. Most ragdoll cats are likely to be easy to train, at least easier than most other cats.

It is important that you leash train the ragdoll, as I'm sure you're aware, ragdolls are intended to be indoor cats not outdoor. How many times have you panicked when you thought your ragdoll had escaped and run away, only to find him half an hour later curled up somewhere unexpected?

Yes, ragdolls do not belong outdoors, they may be intelligent creatures, but they also completely lack any common sense half the time. With a ragdoll cat, there is no such thing as street smarts, they will happily run into the road, approach any dog, cat or another animal they can find, or worse - jump into any pools of water. They do seem to love water, it is not unheard of for ragdolls to try and get into the bath or shower with their owners.

Your ragdoll cat may be the cutest cat in the world and are obviously very sweet, but they can be very annoying too. If they wouldn't follow you around all day, then you wouldn't have to accidentally step on a fluffy tail or a paw without realizing it. And if they wouldn't insist on lying on your laptop, every time you want to work or surf the net, you would be much happier.

Ragdolls do love spending as much time you as is felinely possible, they would never leave your side if they had the opportunity, and they absolutely hate it when you leave them alone, all that meowing isn't for nothing, they really do not want to be left alone, and will insist on causing chaos if they are left for any length of time.

Your ragdoll cat can get very lonely and very depressed if you go out to work every day for any length of time, this needy behavior is often the reason the ragdoll cat can end up in rescue centers so often. People are just not aware of the care needed for such a people orientated cat.

Ragdolls are huge cats, especially the males, but the females are big enough too; they just eat and eat and eat, every time you go into the kitchen the ragdoll is right behind you, like a tail, assuming that since you are in the kitchen you must be making him food.

Of course, all your food is their food too, and you won't hear the last of it if you are trying to eat a nice piece of fish, without giving any to your ragdoll cat. The ragdoll just does not give up, he offers your lots of cuddles, you offer him food.

The ragdoll cat is a charmer, a sweet laid-back and loyal pet, buy one who will get on your nerves one day and charm you the next. Purrfect.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Bathing a DOG

English: Bathing the dog in an i settlement. F...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Bathing a dog needs to be given more emphasis. This is because of the fact that if you are careless in bathing, the animal may end up having some infections.  For example, if you don’t close the ears with a large cotton ball, the water may enter into ear canals and may cause some ear infections with signs like constant discharge from the ears and shaking of the head.

A frequency of bathing actually depends on the breed of the dog. If the dog is of a hairy type like the cocker spaniel, then the bathing is to be carried out once in six to eight weeks. If these breeds are bathed too frequently, then the skin and coat lose the protective characters.  However, when the dog has defecated on the skin due to the frequent digestive upsets leading to diarrhea, to avoid the bad smell, the dog may be subjected to frequent bathing sometimes by the owners.

Take more care in avoiding some irritant soaps or human soaps. The soap materials used for human beings are not suitable for dogs.  Similarly, many human shampoo products are having some ingredients that are not suitable in the proportions that are to be used in the case of dogs. Hence, always try to use the shampoo products that are mentioned mainly for use in dogs. Take more care in using any new product.

Always have good time and patience for products required for bathing in one place with availability f water source.  Dogs love the sprinkling of water, river, and oceans.  Even when you are using a bathtub, have everything in one place and then start bathing of the dog. Try to have a leash, conditioner, towel, and shampoo in the bath place.

A conditioner is of help to make the combing activity easier later. Bathing should be a convenient activity for both the dog and the owner. This should not be a burden.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Can I Give My DOG The Flu?

Avian Flu and Other Zoonotic Diseases 

Everyone seems on edge about the latest outbreak of avian flu. People in China are told to kill their poultry in order to keep the virus from spreading. Meanwhile, people in the United States watch on in fear that the avian flu will come to their shores. So what exactly is all the hubbub about? After all, every winter millions of people come down with bird flu.

Origin of Influenza 

Influenza, the term, came into use around 1504, though it had little to do with the virus. It came from the word: influence. At the time, influence meant: “the ethereal power of the stars acting on men.” It was basically a supernatural way of explaining the effects of disease on people at the time. During a particularly nasty outbreak of the flu in Europe during 1743, the term was officially attached to the name of the disease. 96 years later, the term was shortened to just: flu.

The flu, itself, is a whole family of viruses called Orthomyxovirids. They are a diverse family that is commonly found in the guts of birds. The specific type of viruses that infect birds are called type A flu. It was one of these type A’s that was believed to have infected people a long time ago. Thus giving us, the flu for the first time. Though the virus that initially infected man, has long since evolved into a variety of human-specific strains, the initial origin appears to lay squarely among birds. As such, all human flu bugs could, technically, be called: avian flu.

Pathogens and specificity 

Pathogens are viewed as being any living organism that is capable of causing a disease. It is a term that is generally reserved for bacteria, fungi and viruses. Pathogens are usually very specific in who, or what, they infect. This has a lot to do with the way in which they are constructed.

Both bacterial and viral outer structure, consist of a receptor binding proteins. These proteins give the pathogen a certain geometry. This geometry allows the pathogen to attach to complementary receptor sites on the cells of the critter that they are trying to infect. Because of the wide variety of life forms on the planet, each cell type has a different arrangement of receptors. Most of the time, the pathogen’s geometry will not fit these receptors, and the critter remains immune. Only those unlucky few species, whose cell receptors do fit, are the ones that have to suffer the infection.

Occasionally, though, a new pathogen comes along that has a geometry that is general enough to allow it to latch onto many different species. These are the pathogens that are often the more deadly.

Influenza is one of these general viruses. It is capable of infecting most bird species. It’s also very good at doing what all life forms do. It evolves. This has allowed it to cross multiple species barriers, and jump from birds to people, to pigs, cows, and horses. Thus making influenza a very cosmopolitan virus family. This still doesn’t explain all the worry about this recent outbreak of avian flu though. For that, one must go back in time to 1918, and the Spanish flu.

It was the close of World War I, and the world appeared to be returning back to a more peaceful state. Then, in various parts of the globe, people started coming down with a particularly virulent form of the flu. This was a unique case though. Instead of the very young, and elderly dying, it was affecting young men and women instead. Usually, these are the most immune to the effects of the flu. By the end of 1918, this form of the flu had killed ~50 million people. It was the largest pandemic (worldwide epidemic) in recorded history. So what happened?

Normally when one gets the flu, it is more of a hassle than anything else. This has a lot to do with the fact that the flu types we normally catch, are viruses that have infected us before. They have changed just enough so that they can infect us again, but they still remain recognizable to our immune system. As such, our bodies can keep the virus in check, and then eventually eliminate it. The 1918 flu, though, was different. It is now largely believed to have been a case where a new flu virus had hopped species. It went from birds to humans, possibly after circulating and hybridizing inside pigs (which can catch both bird and human versions of the flu). This new bug was completely alien to our immune systems and thus, took many completely by surprise.

This is what has many scared about this newest avian flu virus (dubbed: H5N1, for the specific proteins found on it). It has proven to be particularly virulent among birds, and the few cases of it infecting people have many worried that another pandemic is on the rise.


Influenza is a type of disease referred to a zoonosis. It means that it can be transmitted from one animal group to another. Zoonotic diseases used to be further broken up into those that humans catch from other animals (anthropozoonoses) and ones that other animals catch from humans (zooanthroponoses). Unfortunately, both terms have been misused and confused so much, that neither is particularly favored anymore. Now they are all viewed as zoonotic diseases. In the end, this makes the most sense, as human beings are animals anyway. To break things up any further just seems excessive.

The flu is not the only zoonotic disease that humans get from other animals. Our primate cousins have given us quite a few different diseases including malaria, hepatitis B, Dengue fever and lymphoma. Of course the most infamous of these zoonotic diseases would probably be HIV.

Though there are those that would like to believe that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus was a genetically engineered weapon that was released among the African populace (they give far too much credit to genetic engineers, who are proud enough to make yeast that can fluoresce), the simian origin of HIV is pretty well established. HIV has close ties to the simian version: SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus). The big difference between the two, besides their first letters, is that SIV rarely kills the apes it infects. In fact, many apes are capable of carrying viral loads equivalent to those seen in humans with advanced AIDS, yet rarely show any signs of trouble. This suggests that the host and the pathogen have been doing this for a very long time, and the host’s body has found a way to handle the virus. Humans only recently acquired HIV. As such, our bodies have yet to “learn” how to deal with the threat that this virus poses. Which is one reason why HIV is so very virulent at the moment?

These are just some of the diseases that other animals have given to humans. But what of the reverse? What have we given our animal brethren?

Many of the “classic” diseases that most humans catch are ones that we are capable of giving to our primate cousins. This includes the flu, measles, chicken pox and tuberculosis.

One particularly nasty disease that we are capable of transmitting is the infamous Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). FMD rarely affects humans, but it does use us as a carrier for it. The disease can hang out in our nasal passages, throat, and on our clothing. It usually infects various forms of livestock (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats). Symptoms usually include fever and prominent sores on the feet and mouth (hence the name). Most infected animals to survive. Only ~5% die from the disease.

The second disease is far more pernicious, and the victims have us to blame. It is the coral disease referred to as: white pox. This disease can kill up to 10 square centimeters of coral a day (~120ft a year). Over the past decade over 90% of Caribbean reef coral (Acropora palmata), has died. The culprit behind it is the little human gut bacterium: Serratia marcescens. While humans can occasionally fall victim to this bacterium, it usually doesn’t infect us. Instead, it lives in our guts and gets expelled in our feces. Improper sewage treatment has resulted in human excrement flowing out into the Caribbean, where the newly released bacterium has infected the local coral.

So remember; the next time you start to feel under the weather, don’t worry about coughing on your dog. Chances are, your canine pal probably won’t get it. Unless, of course, it is the flu.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How To Find And Select NORWICH TERRIERS For Sale

English: Photograph of Norwich Terrier, Castle...
Photograph of Norwich Terrier, Castle-Bar Canasta, aka "Spike". 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are in the market for a canine companion you know there are many different breeds that you can choose from. If you have been doing your research, you may have seen Norwich Terriers for Sale. These can be fantastic companions but you do need to make sure it is the right breed for you. Here is what you need to know.

If you want a dog that stands out in a crowd as being uncommon, there are some breeds that are better known than others. Labs, for example, are very common and easily recognizable. Other breeds of a similar size are less common. You may find that if you are walking one, people will stop and ask you questions about your canine companion.

If you are looking for a quiet and easygoing dog, you may want to look at a different breed. If you want a dog that has a lot of energy and will keep you entertained and on your feet, this can be a fantastic companion. It can be worthwhile to speak to other owners of this breed. Then you will be able to tell if the energy level is right for you.

If you want a small, compact canine, this can be a fantastic choice. They only tend to weigh ten to twelve pounds when fully grown. This can be fantastic for someone who lives in a small apartment or house. It is also great for individuals who want to travel on a plane or other type of transport and bring their dog along.

Some breeds are also more apt to develop some serious medical conditions. Schnauzers, for example, can end up with tumors of the spleen and other diseases. Some are prone to hip issues. Other breeds are at increased risk for epilepsy. A dog like a Norwich terrier, for example, may only be prone to cataracts. The cost of vet bills may be something you need to consider.

Once you have done your research and have decided that this is the kind of canine you want you can begin to look for a breeder. Keep in mind that it can be somewhat hard to find pups from time to time. It may mean that you need to look for a bit before you find a breeder with available pups.

Any time you are considering a specific breeder, it can be a good idea to ask to view the puppies. There are a number of reasons for this. You want to make sure that the parents are in good health, that the living environment is clean, and that the puppies are being introduced to as many new situations as possible. This can mean you end up with a more well-rounded and healthier dog when you do choose one.

Once you have decided on a breeder, it can be a good idea to view the pups in person. You can see their individual personalities and choose one that will mesh well with your family. Then, you can feel confident that your bundle of fur will bring you joy for years to come.

    About the Author: by Beryl Dalton

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


(Original Title: Boston Terrier: The Standard and Does it Matter?)

Female Boston Terrier with mouth open.
Female Boston Terrier with mouth open. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To compete with your Boston Terrier you will need to understand the requirements and procedures used for judging. The American Kennel Club releases breed standards for each breed of dog and the Boston Terriers specifications can be found here. You can also check more specialized clubs for the information about required standards for your Boston Terrier. The American Kennel Club is currently revising these standards.

If you want your Boston Terrier to take part in dog shows then you will need to understand the standards and how they relate to your dog.  If you already own or are thinking about owning a Boston Terrier and would like to compete (or show off your dog) here's a guide to understanding breed specifications.

It's important to note that these are descriptions of ideal Boston Terriers.

Competition ranking systems:  Dogs are judged out of a total 100 score. When judging Boston Terriers this score comprises the following elements:

- General Appearance
- Size, Proportion, Substance
- Head - skull shape, characteristics of eyes, ears, muzzle, jaw shape.
- Neck, Topline and Body
- Forequarters
- Gait
- Coat
- Temperament
- Faults in the breed: can lead to instant disqualification

General Appearance

Boston Terriers are intelligent dogs. General appearance needs to be well-balanced; this means all limbs are in proportion. Boston Terriers have a smooth coat which is generally brindle, seal or black. The dog must have even white markings. The body is short and the limbs are strong. The tail is short.

Size, Proportion, Substance

This refers to your dog’s weight. There are several official weight categories but the dog’s weight cannot exceed 25 pounds.

The Boston Terriers legs should be proportioned to give it its characteristic square appearance. The dog looks sturdy and muscular.

In general, the only difference between the male and female is that the bitch generally has more refined features.


The skull is short and flat on top. There should be no wrinkles. The cheeks are flat and the stop is well defined. Boston Terriers should have an alert _expression; reflecting their high intelligence. The eyes should be wide set and large. Boston Terriers with blue eyes - or any hint of blue in their eyes will be disqualified immediately. The ears should be small and stand upright.

The jaw is square and wide with short teeth. The bite is even.

Neck, Towline and Body

The neck should be slightly arched and carry the head gracefully. The neck of the ideal Boston terrier should display an image of balance.

Topline refers to the shape of the dogs back. The back should be shaped in such a way that it completes the square shape of the body.

The chest should be deep with a good width, ribs etc.


The shoulders should be laid back and should slope. IT is this shape which gives Boston Terriers their stylish movement. The elbows should be straight and not protrude in any way. The dewclaws may be removed.


This refers to the way in which your dog carries himself. The ideal Boston Terrier is sure-footed and straight gaited. The forelegs and hind legs should move in a straight line with perfect rhythm. Each step should be that of grace and power.


The coat should be short, smooth and fine in texture. Color must be brindle, seal or black with bright markings. The Boston Terrier must have a white muzzle band, white between the eyes and a white chest.


The ideal Boston Terrier is friendly and lively. The dog is known for its high intelligence.
Faults in the breed (grounds for disqualification)

Any traces of blue or blue eyes - eyes must be dark

Dudley nose - This means a loss of pigmentation in the nose and it is pink or flesh-colored, however when Boston’s are first born and up to 6 months their nose will be pink.  It will change to the color black so don’t let this hinder you from buying a Boston with a pink nose.

Docked tail - This refers to the practice of cutting tails. It is an outdated practice and your dog will be disqualified.

Lack of required markings

Other serious faults

Wry mouth - one side of the mouth is longer than the other.

Any showing of the tongue/teeth when the mouth is closed

Other faults

Blocky or chunky appearance

Overshot bite/undershot bite - much like human 'faults' this just means an over or under bite.

The Boston Terriers make a great family pet.  They are highly intelligent, loyal, great with children and very easy going.  They are not considered fighters but definitely can hold their own.  If you don’t plan to show your Boston then these qualifications don’t mean a thing.  Boston Terriers are the perfect all around companion just the way they are.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Protein and KIDNEY Failure from Your DOG'S DIET

Early research indicated that higher levels of protein in your dog's diet would lead to kidney failure. Do you know if your dog's diet is safe?  Are you killing your furry friend by providing too much protein in your dog's diet?

The studies that showed a relationship to high protein levels and kidney failure that sparked concerns about protein levels in dog's diets were not sound.  The research was performed on rats, not dogs. Rats primarily eat plants as their natural diet.  Naturally, rats biological makeup would indicate trouble digesting diets containing high levels of protein.  The rats have difficulty excreting protein due to their specific dietary needs, not because the high protein diet causes kidney failure.

Still, where do we stand on protein and your dog's diet?  Dogs are naturally omnivorous.  In the wild, dog's would hunt or scavenge.  The dog's diet would consist of both plants and animals.  Naturally speaking, dogs are meat eaters, too.  For this reason, a dog can easily tolerate a diet consisting of 30% protein or more.

When protein intake is reduced in a dog's diet, the renal function does not improve.  Renal lesions are not less likely to form when a dog is fed with a low-protein diet.  It is not until a blood urea nitrogen, or BUN, the test indicates a level of 75, that a reduction in protein intake is considered for your dog's diet.  

If you have concerns about the amount of protein in your dog's diet, schedule an appointment to speak with a professional on the subject.  Your trusted vet can advise you on the specifics in regards to your dog's diet.

It is a myth that dogs cannot properly digest high levels of protein in their diet. Kidney troubles do not result from high levels of protein in your dog's diet. Large amounts of protein can be safely digested in your dog's diet, especially when they come primarily from animal origins.

Ten amino acids must be provided in your dog's diet through the protein.  Only twelve of 22 amino acids can be manufactured in your dog's liver.  For this reason, meat such as heart, spleen, and meat by-products all have a place in your dog's diet.

A high-quality dog food should contain meat as the first ingredient.  This will provide the proper amount of protein for your dog's diet.  You know you are on the right track when you turn to nature for advice.  Do you ever recall seeing a wild or stray dog happily grazing through the cornfield at mealtime?

Senior dogs should not be automatically placed on lower protein diets exclusively based on age.  In fact, some older pets require a dog's diet higher in protein than during their younger adult stage.  Unless medically indicated, provide your pet the benefit of quality protein in your dog's diet.

Feeding your dog protein should not cause you concern.  You want what is best for your dog and nature tells you that protein will help your dog to thrive.  If you have questions about the myth of protein and kidney failure in your pet, speak to your vet about your dog's diet.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

CAT FOOD: Your Kitten's Diet

Feeding an orphan kitten
Feeding an orphan kitten (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Kittens will need kitten food to ensure that they are receiving all of the nutrients they need to grow. When it comes to feeding your cat there are many options. There's dry and there's canned. There are kitten and cat. In general, cats need only four main nutrients. They require a meat-based protein, taurine, water, and various vitamins and minerals. Kitten food includes all of these just more to give the kitty the necessary energy to grow and be healthy and this is the main difference between a cat and kitten food.

For the first five weeks, the kitten will be nursing from its mother. At week five the kittens can start to be weaned. They may continue to nurse until they are eight to ten weeks old. Pet owners should feed the mother a kitten food to ensure that she is receiving all the necessary nutrients that she needs for herself and her kittens. All animals have a higher nutrient requirement when they are pregnant. At week five, the kitten can begin to eat canned kitten food with its mother. The first ingredient on the package should be either chicken, beef or lamb.

Kittens will need kitten food for their first year. At six weeks of age, the kittens should be receiving four small meals per day. At twelve weeks, they can have more food divided into three meals. At one, the kittens may be switched to adult food and fed twice daily. Cats are capable of knowing when they are full so you can leave a bowl out of dry food throughout the day.

The biggest debate amongst cat owners is whether or not they should use wet, canned or dry food. The answer is both. Kittens and cats need wet food because it contains water. They may not drink enough on a regular basis and the wet food ensures they stay hydrated. The dry food ensures they have something to eat whenever they are hungry. It also helps to scrape the teeth and keep them clean, which prevents dental diseases.

The kitten's diet should consist mostly of canned food, as it is more nutritious. Keep track of whether the kitten is on track by weighing the cat on a regular basis. You also do not want to allow them to get into the habit of overeating or eating table scraps. Table scraps are high in fat and it also throws off their balanced diet that they receive through their regular food.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

AMERICAN SHORTHAIR - Kittens of the World

American Shorthair Kitten - Kittens of the World