Friday, June 15, 2018

BEDLINGTON TERRIER - A Playful Companion

English: Bedlington terrier 234
Bedlington terrier  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Bedlington Terrier is a small to medium sized dog that weighs between 18-23 pounds. Their height generally ranges between 15" to 17". This breed resembles a little lamb, but don't let their gentle appearance fool you. They are all terrier with energy and a mischievous side that likes to chase small animals.

The AKC recognized coat colors for the Bedlington Terrier are sandy, blue, liver, sandy and tan, blue and tan, liver and tan. The coat is a mixture of soft and hard hair that tends to be curly but not wiry. This breed requires regular groom and also requires trimming about every 6 weeks. Most Bedlington Terrier owners learn to clip their own dogs. 

This intelligent, loving and gentle breed makes a good family pet. They are good with children. However, because they have such a high energy level they are recommended for homes with older, well-behaved children. With early socialization, they can be good with other dogs and pets. They were bred to hunt vermin and small animals, so they might still chase cats and other non-canine pets. A well-secured yard and a leash are a must as they are very quick dogs and are hard to catch if they run from you or are chasing an animal. 

They need plenty of play and exercise, but are somewhat active indoors, so a small yard or regular walks will suffice. They are easy to train. They love to be around their family and don't like to be left alone for long periods of time. Even though they are a smaller breed, they will protect their family or fend for themselves against large animals if need be. They tend to be wary of strangers, but will eventually warm up to them. 

Originating in England, the Bedlington Terrier was originally known as the Rothbury, Rodbury or Northumberland fox terrier. The first Bedlington Terrier was born in 1825 when a Rothbury dog was bred with a female Bedlington. The Bedlington terrier was originally bred to hunt small vermin such as rabbits and badgers. They are mainly used as companion dogs today.

A breed with such a playful, loving, energetic nature is perfect for families that will give them enough exercise and companionship. A good watchdog and a friendly family pet all rolled into one make the Bedlington Terrier fit into many family dynamics.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

How To Properly Clean Your DOGS EARS

Ears of a dog
Ears of a dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dog's ears are not something that you look at regularly. However, in addition to your dog needing regular baths, they will also need to have their ears cleaned out on a fairly regular basis. When you clean out their ears on a regular basis, it is going to be easy for you to reduce the chance of them having any type of infection in their ears.

Selection of the proper cleaner is going to be what you have to do first. When you select the cleaner, you will want to make sure it is fairly neutral and not harsh for the ears. However, you will want to make sure you are looking at your dog's needs and make sure the cleaner is going to take care of the issues that your dog is having.

The best source for a cleaner will be from your vet. They sell or can recommend a good safe cleaner.
After the proper cleaner has been selected, you will want to keep it at room temperature. You will then take and spray the cleaner into the dog's ears. This is going to allow you to clean the dog's ears, but it is important for you to keep a paper towel or other type of towel under the dog's ears to ensure that you are not dribbling the water on the floor.

When this is done, you will want to take a washcloth or something else and try to dab the ears dry. By dabbing it dry you will prevent the dog from getting any type of recurring water in their ears. Cleaning your dog's ears is going to help the dog feel better, and also get the gunk out of their ears.

Most people know they have to give their dogs a bath, however, they normally do not realize they have to wash their ears as well. The problem is this is not something people tend to learn about and is not even really talked about. However, by learning how to clean your dog's ears properly, it is going to be easy for you to maintain your dog's ears and know they will be healthy for a longer period of time.

How often should the ears be cleaned? That is a good question and is something you should ask your vet. Some dogs require ear cleaning more often than others.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

MINI HUSKY Care For New Owners

Day 223: Niki Returns
Photo  by crimsong19 
Miniature Huskies were created as a new breed of a dog close to 20 years ago. They look just like the standard version of this canine. However, they are much smaller and are known for being energetic, curious, but also a bit more reserved. Given their appearance and clear blue eyes, the mini husky variety is quickly becoming a favourite of dog owners everywhere. If you have decided to add one of these animals to your family, you would do well to know how to properly take care of it.

Miniature Huskies came about in the 1990s after the breed's originator wanted to create a smaller version of the standard Malamute or husky dog. She bred smaller dogs of this breed to maximize the small gene in them, which could then be passed down to these dogs' offspring. In time, she created what is now known as the miniature version of huskies.

Unlike standards, these canines are not as personable and robust. They are in fact quite small and more standoffish, which is why you are encouraged to start socialization of your pup from the beginning. They need to be taught to accept newcomers and to resist their urge to hide or shy away from people who they do not know.

These canines are also smaller and more delicate than standard versions. They only weigh 13 pounds and could be more prone to illness and injury gave their size. When you want to give them a good first start in life, it may be important for you to keep their vaccinations updated. Taking your dog in for booster shots will help keep diseases like rabies away.

Likewise, you are reminded to keep its coat well brushed and tangle free. This canine will have a finer coat than standard counterparts. The fur can get easily matted and dirty if you allow your dog to go without regular grooming. Matted coats often must be shaved and allowed to grow back, a process that can take weeks or months.

You also could groom your pet at home if you wish. Many vets would recommend that you use a dog shampoo that has oatmeal in it. Oatmeal will protect your dog's skin and also prevent it from breaking out in a rash or developing problems like eczema. Most stores sell oatmeal-based shampoo for dogs. After you shampoo your animal, you can then brush it with a fine bristled dog brush.

This type of canine can be high-spirited and energetic. Keeping it in a confined space could cause it to damage your house or break your belongings. Rather than allow its energy to be pent up in such a manner, it might suit you to move to a place that has a fenced-in backyard or a large property. You might also use a leash to take your pet on a run in the park.

Huskies that are mini in size are popular with many people today. You may take care of your own pet by keeping these tips in mind. They will prolong your pet's health and happiness. This breed tends to have unique needs that differ from standard versions.

    About the Author: Ericka Marsh

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


English: A healthy miniature Alaskan Klee Kai ...
A healthy miniature Alaskan Klee Kai bounding across an open field. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Alaskan Klee Kai is a small sized dog breed. It comes in three sizes - toy, miniature, and standard. The toy breed has a weight of 10 lbs. and height of 13 inches. The miniature breed weighs 15 lbs. and is 13 - 15 inches long; whereas the standard one is around 23 lbs with a height of 15 - 17.5 inches. It has symmetrical colored markings. It has a double fur coat. This dog has an average hair shedding nature; however, the shedding is heavy twice a year.

Alaskan Klee Kai is popularly known due to its full facial mask which distinguishes it from other breeds.

This dog is quite affectionate and loyal towards its owner. It is a very intelligent and agile breed. It requires lots of attention and would give off sounds when it needs attention. It loves to be a good companion to its owner. This dog is well-behaved around children as well as other pets with which it was raised. However, it does not like strangers much and will start barking when one is around. This dog does not make a good watchdog.

You need to place a secure fence around the yard because this breed tends to escape by digging into the ground or by jumping over fences.

The exercising requirements of an Alaskan Klee Kai are high. You need to train it a lot and socialize it at an early age. You won't have to worry about obedience training because this dog breed does well in it. However, you need to be consistent and firm during the training sessions.

Monday, June 11, 2018

A HEALTHY CAT Knows What Tastes Good

A jumping cat trying to catch some food.
A jumping cat trying to catch some food. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As all cat owners know, a feline can be a wonderful addition to any family. One of the most basic aspects of cat ownership is proper health care for the cat. Healthcare for a cat encompasses a wide array of vaccine shots, flea protection, vet visits, medications, and even proper exercise.

However, the most important aspect of cat health is also often overlooked. People spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars over the lifetime of a cat to keep it healthy, but most cat owners don’t pay nearly enough attention to the proper cat food.

The right cat food is absolutely essential to a healthy, happy cat.

But what is the best cat food for your cat? While each cat will have slightly different nutritional needs, there are some general rules that must be considered when looking for cat food.

First of all, cats (like their human owners) need a high-quality diet. This means the best types of protein, fats, carbs, and the fewer preservatives and chemical additives, the better. Most of the research
available online does not compare specific brands of cat food, as much as specific ingredients to feed your cat, and which to stay away from!

Cats need a high protein diet. Wildcats are very carnivorous, and cats derive a lot of their nutritional needs from protein. House cats, while not wild, still have many of the same nutritional needs as their wild feline ancestors. So, the most important ingredient in any cat food is protein.

Carbohydrates are also an important part of a cats diet, though not as important as protein. Cats really should derive the majority of their nutritional needs from protein, so cat foods that are high in carbohydrates may not necessarily be the best for them.

Interestingly enough, many of the premium brands of cat food, such as Eukanuba and Innova offer exactly what most cats need, and aren’t necessarily more expensive in the long run. This is because high-end cat foods need a smaller serving amount than the low-end cat foods to give a cat all the nutrients they need to be satisfied and healthy.

When comparing a premium brand such as Eukanuba, to a lower cost brand such as Purina, the cost difference for the recommended serving size is only a nickel a day. Furthermore, because a cat will eat less of the high-end cat food, their waste will be reduced. This can cut down on the frequency of litter replacement and litter box related chores.

Another aspect of cat food to be considered is the quality of the protein in the food. Because of the way many pet food companies describe the meat in the food, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what the difference between “chicken flavored”, and “chicken dinner” is.

Food that contains “chicken meal” can only be made from the skin, flesh, and bones only. This is really the best type of protein for a cat. Food that has “meat byproducts” can contain nearly any animal parts, and are of lower quality than “chicken meal”. Food that is “chicken flavored” only has to taste like chicken, but may not contain any animal meat at all. Also, chicken is generally better than beef for cats.

And it goes without saying, preservatives, as well as artificial colors, should be avoided whenever possible. Although specific research is lacking on this subject, we do know that preservatives and artificial colors can have a negative impact on human health. It is only logical that cats will also be negatively affected by artificial colors and preservatives in their cat food.

Friday, June 8, 2018

FELINE DIABETES Is Not A Cat And Mouse Game!

This mean cat is me
This mean cat is me (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Your pet is caught in a serious type of disease!

And do not be under the impression that this disease is the 'privilege' of human beings alone!

Feline Diabetes is one of the most common feline endocrine diseases. Its direct link is to the high carbohydrate diet of dry food. Many canned foods contain too many carbohydrates, which your cat may eat with great speed and gusto; but your poor choices will definitely damage the health of your pet. Cats by nature are obligate carnivores and their system, as created by nature is not suitable for a carbohydrate diet. Just don't put anything and everything before your cat. Understand its requirements, from its biological point of view. Feline Diabetes is not a cat and mouse game.

Cats and insulin shots...sounds odd? But, it's true.

If the diabetic condition in your cat is a longstanding one, then insulin shots are necessary. Once you start giving it the low carbohydrate diet, and once the cats recoup their original health, no further insulin shots are required.

“Feeding a diabetic cat with a high-carbohydrate diet is analogous to pouring gasoline on a fire and wondering why you can't put it out.”

There are two types of diabetes - Type I and Type II. Type II is the more common, both in humans and in cats. But the cat has a unique metabolism.

Cats are obligate carnivores and are adapted to consume a diet that is high in protein, moderate in fat, and include a very small amount of carbohydrates (roughly 3 to 5%). Since nature designed them thus, cats do not have many of the important enzymes that are necessary to process these types of foods.

So, it is not sufficient that you love your cat. You have to understand the cat and its food habits! The food you give to your cat can put it in its grave!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

An In Depth Look At SIAMESE CATS

A Siamese Cat displaying the typical blue, cro...
A Siamese Cat displaying the typical blue, cross-eyed eyes typical of the breed. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The exotic and somewhat mysterious Siamese cat hails from the country of Thailand.  They had always been a popular breed of cats, some even residing in royal palaces.  Siamese cats, in the past, were trusted to protect royal palaces and monasteries from evil spirits.  These cats were also thought of as bringing good fortune to their owners as well.

During the year of 1884, the very first Siamese cats began to make their way to England, when they were given as gifts to a British general.  After that, they eventually made their way over to America.  Nowadays, Siamese cats are one of the most recognized of the breed.  Siamese cats are without a doubt the most popular short haired cat and among the top 3 in the entire breed of cats.

Even though there are several different colors to this breed, some questions what makes a cat a true Siamese cat.  These cats have always been known for their bodies which are lighter in color, with darker areas throughout.  The darker areas found on their bodies are normally around the feet, tail, legs, or face.  They can weight anywhere between 6 - 16 lbs, with bright eyes that are normally slanted - which is another clue that the cat is a true Siamese.

Traditionally, Siamese cats are robust, with round heads and a truly muscular build.  They are well known throughout the world for their color points and unique personalities.  Unlike other breeds, Siamese breeds have a talent for communicating with people.  If you are looking for a cat that is nice and quiet, you wouldn’t want a Siamese cat.  These cats love to play, love to make noise, and they also happen to be the most social breed of cats out there.

Siamese cats demand a lot of attention because, in their minds, they believe that the world revolves around them.  For this very reason, they can tend to be quite a dependant on their owners.  They love to play and crave interaction.  If you leave them alone for too long, they won’t like it.  They like to get attention, love to play, and hate to be left by themselves.

Even though Siamese cats are emotionally high maintenance, they don’t need a lot of maintenance They need a minimum amount of grooming, which involves bathing every once in a while, and brushing maybe once or twice a month.  If you like cats with minimal maintenance, Siamese cats are perfect.  Their hair is short to their skin, so a gentle brushing is all you need.  They can get sick, however, which is to be expected with any breed of cat.

Siamese cats have a lifespan that is similar to other breeds, which is normally around 15 - 20 years, sometimes even longer. As long as you feed him on a daily basis and take him to the vet for his regular checkups and shots, he will be around for years and years to come.  Most people who have their Siamese cat for over 10 years, find the cat to be more like a child than a pet.

No matter how you look at it, a Siamese cat is a great pet.  Although the Siamese breed does require a lot of attention, they are excellent pets that you can spend a lot of time with.  They are great for kids as well, simply because kids can spend a lot of time with them.  As long as you give your pet the attention he craves - he will be your lifelong friend for as long as you have him.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

What Are Common Signs of Dogs with HYPOALLERGENIC PROBLEMS?

Allergic Dog
Photo  by RLHyde 
Dogs that have allergies show many signs including watery eyes, coughing and sneezing, excessive scratching and biting, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and moodiness. When your dog is suffering from allergies, you may notice one or more of these symptoms. Learning what causes these allergies is the first step toward treating your dog and preventing further attacks.

Many allergies that dogs suffer from are caused by insects such as fleas and ticks, or by parasites. When you bring your dog home from a breeder or from a shelter or pet store, schedule an appointment with a vet as soon as possible. Make sure the dog has all of its shots and that is has been dewormed. This will prevent parasites from causing an allergic reaction in your dog. While you may have to do this more than once during their lifetime, getting rid of the parasites will help your dog’s temperament and keep them healthy.

If you noticed small red bites on your dog or if the dog has been scratching the same area until bald spots appear, then they may have fleas, ticks, or mites. This allergic reaction is caused by insect saliva. If your dog has open wounds, you should wait until the wounds heal before spraying or bathing them with medicine that kills the insects and their eggs. Take your dog to the vet if this is the first occurrence. The vet may be able to prescribe an ingestible pill that will protect them from future infestation. You may also want to keep your dog indoors during flea and tick season.

When your dog vomits more than once a week or has diarrhea for more than one or two days, they may have an allergy to dog food. Switching to another brand or feeding the dog softer food may solve this problem. You should take the dog to the vet anyway so that they can make sure the dog is healthy. Extreme diarrhea will lead to dehydration, so make sure you have plenty of water for your dog to drink.

If your dog’s mood changes suddenly or you notice that they are not as playful as they once were, then you should take the dog to the vet. If the dog has eaten something it shouldn’t or if it is suffering from allergies, it will not want to play as much as it used to. Finding out the cause of their allergy may be difficult because, much like human beings, your dog may be allergic to more than one thing.

Research your dog’s breed to see if there are specific items it could be allergic to and see if they are present in your home. Monitor your dog to see how it behaves and what it is eating. Sometimes eating too much grass can cause an allergy attack. Once you find the causes of the allergy, take the steps necessary to reduce the dog’s exposure what is causing the allergy as much as possible.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

HUSKY Separation Anxiety Solutions

Husky - Photo: Pixabay
Dealing With Husky Separation Anxiety
Husky Separation Anxiety is the cause of most husky behavior problems. In turn behavior, problems are the main reason why Huskies end up at rescue shelters. This is very sad because in nearly all cases separation anxiety can be prevented or cured.

Husky Separation Anxiety can be both frustrating and heartbreaking if your husky is howling out of sadness whenever you are not home. What can follow is very destructive behavior such as barking, aggression, biting, jumping, chewing and escaping. If your husky is proving to be a major nuisance with obedience problems there is a good chance that they are suffering from separation anxiety.

Huskies are by nature very pack orientated. Your husky sees you and your family members as his pack. If your husky is left alone they may feel lost, scared, abandoned and isolated from the pack. Husky Separation Anxiety often shows itself as howling and destructive behavior. Your husky is in a bad state of mind and this is how these feelings come out. The good news is that by the time you finish reading this article you will be armed with the knowledge to help your husky on the path to wellness.

What Causes Husky Separation Anxiety
The root cause of Separation Anxiety is the difference in nature of humans and pack dogs such as the husky. Huskies are very social and have a strong inner desire to live in a pack and interact in a pack. A dog in the wild would do absolutely everything in a pack. This includes eating, hunting, sleeping, and traveling.

Humans on the other hand due to our modern lifestyle operate as individuals in society a lot of the time. While you are at work your dog is at home pining for its pack leader. It goes against every fiber of a Huskies being to be away from the pack.

Five Husky Separation Anxiety Symptoms

  1. When you are preparing to leave your home, your husky begins howling, whining and demanding extra attention.
  2. Catching your husky in the act of bad behavior when you are departing or arriving at your home is another indicator that your husky may have separation anxiety.
  3. If your husky refuses to be physically apart from you when you are home this can indicate a fear that you will leave.
  4. Physical symptoms include but are not restricted to whining, howling, crying and trembling.
  5. A full house trained husky starts going to the toilet in the house.

Basic Husky Separation Anxiety Solutions
Relationship Building - There is a fine line between creating trust and creating over-reliance from your husky. You need to develop a relationship where your husky is dependent on you without being so dependent that they can't function when you are not around. Be firm but fair with your husky and do not smother your husky.

Basic Dog Obedience - By teaching your husky basic dog obedience training you will be able to overcome many of the negative behaviors associated with separation anxiety. Basic commands, as well as social interaction for your husky, will help you're Husky to overcome separation anxiety.

Separation Training - Your husky needs to know you will return when you go somewhere. The best way to do this is to go through a planned process of leaving for a few minutes and then returning. Place your husky in a room where they feel safe for this. Incrementally increase the amount of time that you are away. You will notice that if you do this over time your husky will be a lot calmer. Make sure you praise your dog for waiting patiently. Medication is an absolute last resort if separation anxiety training is not successful.

Crate Training - Crate Training is a good way to prevent separation anxiety in a husky especially when they are a puppy. Slowly introduce your husky to a room where they feel secure. Place a favorite play toy and an item that carries your scent to help with making your husky feel at ease. This is a precursor to crate training.

Be A Good Owner - Give your husky all the essentials that they need prior to leaving. This includes water, food, shelter, territory and favorite play toys.

Regular Exercise - Your Husky will be a lot more relaxed and content with regular exercise. Much the same as humans, huskies who exercise regularly have reduced stress levels.

Patience - You need to give your husky time to get used to you not being at home. This is even more relevant if your husky is a rescue dog. Your pet husky needs feel safe within a pack and they can't help feeling anxious. There is absolutely no reason to put down a pet because they miss you so much. Stay patient with your husky and you will both benefit from a great relationship.

Monday, June 4, 2018

CRATE TRAINING Your Pit Bull Terrier Puppy: How Big Should The Dog Crate Be?

English: dog in a soft crate Taken by Elf
Dog in a soft crate Taken by Elf (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Were you aware that crate training your Pit Bull terrier is the responsible thing to do as a dog owner, and that everyone should be doing this? Properly crate training your Pit is one of the best things that you could possibly do, and I’m going to explain exactly how to do it correctly. If you’re not exactly sure what I mean by “crate training”, don’t worry. This article is going to break everything down for you in easy to understand language.

When you first bring your Pit Bull terrier pup home, it is important that you show him exactly what his territory is. It is at this point in time that you’ll introduce him to his crate. 

Place you Pits crate in a designated room or area of the house so that he can go there to rest and relax. This is very important and should not be a high traffic area.

You can purchase a crate at your local pet supply superstore or you could make one yourself if you’re so inclined. A wire crate with partitions is preferred so that you can section it off when he’s little, then expand the partition as he grows. The crate should also have a washable tray below that slides out for easy cleaning.

I would recommend a large crate for your Pit Bull, then set the partitions so that your puppy has enough room to stand up and lay down. You don’t want him to have excess room however as this will give him a place to go potty without him having to lay in it. 

Using partitions is more important than the size of the crate you purchase. Make sure that you use them to limit your puppies free space inside the crate and be consistent with the routine. Congratulations on being a responsible Pit Bull terrier owner!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

TONKINESE - The Facts Every Owner of this Cat Breed Should Know

English: Platinum Mink Tonkinese. Photograph t...
Platinum Mink Tonkinese - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Tonkinese breed is widely considered a 'newer' breed, a cross between a Burmese and a Siamese, though some dispute this saying the breed existed in the 1800s. The first known Tonkinese was Wong Mau, a descendant of ancient Burmese. Wong Mau was bred with a Siamese and over time, the Tonkinese was bred into its own separate breed but it was not recognized as a distinct breed until 1984. This cat is a medium sized breed with males weighing eight to twelve pounds and females six to eight pounds.

Tonkinese (affectionately referred to as 'Tonks') have a short, thick coat that requires no more maintenance than once weekly brushing and come in three colors: pointed, mink and solid. The pointed coat is much like a Siamese and the solid is much like a Burmese. However, the mink is unique to the Tonkinese. It is a combination of a Siamese coat and a Burmese coat but not a blend. Usually, one half (legs only or the body) is one coat and suddenly, it becomes the other.

The Tonkinese personality is described as 'the best of both worlds'. From their Siamese side, they take curiosity and intelligence. From their Burmese side, they take their easy-going personality. They are active and stubborn but not particularly high strung or stressed out. Tonkinese is social creatures. They enjoy their humans and get along well with other pets and children.

Tonkinese does not like being left alone and it is recommended that if they are going to be left alone for long periods of time, there should be two Tonkinese in the home. It is also useful to have a cat condo around for exercise and play and to keep them out of trouble stemming from boredom. Tonkinese tends to have almost no genetic medical concerns though they are more prone to gingivitis than other breeds.

Friday, June 1, 2018


120206 LHS cat
Photo  by K Yim 
No cat wants to be dirty, and it’s up to you to ensure that your cat stays clean.  Grooming is very important, as it helps your cat remain clean and healthy.  Grooming starts with brushing, as brushing helps to keep the cat's hair from becoming hairballs.  Brushing will remove loose hair, and help prevent the risk of hairballs.  A lot of cats have trouble dislodging hairballs.  If the cat isn’t able to get a hairball out, it could result in a blockage of the intestines.  Blockages are very serious, and can quickly become life-threatening for your pet.

Cats that have long hair need to be brushed and combed on a daily basis, while cats with short hair need to be groomed on a weekly basis.  When you brush your cat, you should always watch for lumps in the coat and skin irritations.  You should start brushing along the cat’s back, going from his head to his tail.  Do this a few times on one side, and then switch to the other.  Each area should be brushed a few times in the direction of the way your cat’s hair is growing.

When you brush your cat, you should always avoid brushing his face and paws.  If a cat doesn’t like to be brushed, you can still groom him using another tool.  The grooming glove is an excellent alternative to the brush, as most cats don’t mind it at all.  Starting out young is the key to grooming, as it will get your cat used to brushing and grooming.  Some cats that have started grooming when they were kittens grow to love it, many of which often look forward to their grooming time.

When brushing your cat, make sure that you check his ears, eyes, teeth, and claws.  His eyes should be bright and clear with nothing residing in the corners.  His ears should be clean, pink in colour, and no sign of ear mites.  Ear mites result from dirt built up in a cat’s ears and can result in the ears shrivelling up and your cat losing his hearing.  Ear mites are very annoying for the cat and hard for you as an owner to get rid of.  The best way to get rid of them – is to ensure that your cat’s ears stay clean and healthy.

Each time you groom your cat, you should always aim to go a bit further with your examinations.  When your cat remains still, you should always praise him and give him a treat.  If your cat doesn’t cooperate and starts to struggle, you shouldn’t fight with him, but instead, let him go and try the next day.  Once your cat gets used to grooming he will look forward to it each and every day.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

TOILET TRAINING a CAT - pros, cons and guide

Panther, a toilet-using cat, photographed in S...
Panther, a toilet-using cat, photographed in San Francisco on 22 August 2005. He is ten years old and has been using the toilet since the age of six months. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cat toilet training in easy steps:
Toilet training your cat is an easier task than you might think.  Several techniques can be used for training your cat to use the toilet, and you can even buy products that will assist you in toilet training a cat.

The advantages of cat toilet training:
Teaching your cat to use the toilet can hold several advantages for any cat owner.  The biggest advantage of having your cat use a toilet is that eliminates most of the disadvantages that using cat litter holds.  Cat litter is expensive.  After toilet training your cat, you won't ever need to buy cat litter again.  Cat litter boxes need to be cleaned regularly or they will become smelly.  With cat toilet training, the water in the toilet masks most of the offending smell and all you need to do is flush regularly - much simpler and easier than cleaning a litter box.  Going away for weekends or holidays also becomes easier for your neighbour - instead of asking someone to clean out the litter box,  all they need to do is flush your toilet once in a while (when they come around to water your plants and feed your cat).

How to toilet train a cat (do it yourself):
Toilet training your cat depends entirely on the cat's personality.  Toilet training sociable cats that love being praised make the training task much easier.  You might want to adapt the toilet training technique described below to fit your cat's personality.  Training your cat to use the toilet can take anything between 2 weeks up to 3 months, depending on the individual cat's personality.

Cat toilet training basically consists of a simple procedure: gradually moving your cat's litter box closer and closer to the toilet, finally placing a bowl with cat litter inside the toilet, and removing it altogether when your cat is comfortable and used to it.  Toilet training a cat is a gradual, step-by-step process, consisting of making small changes to the location of the litter box and only continuing to the next step when your cat is entirely comfortable with its current situation.  You might have to wait for anything between 2 days or 3 weeks before moving to the next step in cat toilet training.  You might even have to go back a step once or twice when it turns out that your cat wasn't ready to move on to the next toilet training step.  Beware - cat toilet training takes a lot of patience!

Cat toilet training steps:
1. Start gradually moving your cat's litter box nearer to the toilet until finally it should be next to the toilet.  Ensure that your cat is always comfortable and sure of its litter box's location.
2. Now start elevating the cat's litter box.  Put something non-slippery like newspapers or cardboard underneath the litter box.  A normal rate to increase the height of the litter box would be about 5cm a day, but be very attentive to signs that your cat is not comfortable with the current height, and adjust the pace of raising the litter box accordingly.  The cat litter box should be raised until it is at a level height with the toilet bowl.  Throughout this process it is very important to keep the toilet lid open and the seat down, because your cat will get used to it and might even start climbing on the toilet seat in order to reach its litter box.
3. Move the litter box to rest on the open toilet seat.  Keep it there until your cat seems comfortable with this arrangement.
4. Buy a metal bowl or tray that will fit snugly inside the toilet bowl.  It would be advisable for the metal bowl to have small draining holes.  Fill the bowl with cat litter (preferably the flushable type).  Now remove your cat's litter box entirely.  If you have reached this step successfully you are very close to having a toilet trained cat!
5. While your cat is using the metal bowl inside the toilet, be attentive to where its paws are.  The goal is teaching him to squat with all four paws on the toilet seat rim.  You can move the cat while it is using the toilet and praise it (or reward it) when it is sitting in the correct position.  Normally the cat will first sit entirely inside the metal bowl, then with front paws on the toilet seat, and finally it should sit with all four paws on the toilet.
6. Start using less and less cat litter.  This can get smelly, so be sure to clean the bowl after every time your cat uses it.  Cats scratch in sand or cat litter to cover up the smell (this is out of instinct), so if the bowl becomes too smelly your cat won't be comfortable using it (and you probably wouldn't be comfortable with using your toilet either).  Using flushable cat litter makes cleaning the bowl very easy - just throw out the contents in the toilet and flush down, rinse out the bowl, refill with correct amount of cat litter and replace.  A handy tip is to place newspaper on the floor around the toilet to help keep the room clean should your cat scratch in the cat litter.  Decrease the amount of cat litter in a pace that your cat feels comfortable with.
7. When you basically don't use any cat litter inside the bowl anymore, start gradually filling the bowl with water.  The water will also help mask the smell so your cat will be more comfortable using the toilet.  Be attentive to your cat's behavior through this whole process - if your cat stops using the bowl inside the toilet, you may be moving on too fast and might need to go back a couple of steps.
8. When the water level in the bowl has reached about 4cm and your cat has no problem using it, it is time to remove the bowl entirely.  Your cat should now be toilet trained.  Remember to always leave the toilet seat up and flush regularly!

Products to assist you in toilet training your cat:
There are several cat toilet training kits available on the market.  They basically consist of a tray that fits inside the toilet, and with a hole in the middle that you can gradually make bigger.  When choosing a cat toilet training kit, ensure that you buy quality.  The cat training kit should not be flimsy and should be able to support your cat's weight even when the hole becomes large.  Be aware of cheap, flimsy products you buy at toy stores or pet stores because if your cat falls in, it might lose interest in toilet training completely.

The disadvantages in toilet training your cat:
Not everyone agrees that cat toilet training is such a great idea.  They argue that it is unnatural for a cat to use a toilet, as it goes against their natural instincts to cover up their smell.  Toilet seats can also be slippery and there might be the risk of your cat injuring itself.  Even if your cat doesn't fall in at all, he may become anxious whenever he uses the toilet and going to the toilet can become an unpleasant task.

A litter box also has the health benefit in that it's easier to monitor your cat's urine for signs of infections or sickness.

Moving locations will also be harder for the cat because a litter box can be moved easily but the cat will first need to get used to using the new toilet.  With some cats, this is no problem and they can become comfortable with the new toilet very fast, while other cats might be less adaptable.

Things to remember when toilet training a cat:
The most important thing to remember is that the toilet training should be done gradually.  Be very patient and never rush to the next step until you are sure that your cat is completely comfortable with the current setup.
Make using the toilet as easy as you can for the cat.  Always remember to keep the toilet seat up and the bathroom door open.  When you have guests, ensure that they also know about considering your cat.  Flush the toilet regularly as cats do not like using smelly toilets.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Bavarian Mountain Hound Deutsch: Bayrischer Ge...
Bavarian Mountain Hound  Deutsch: Bayrischer Gebirgsschweißhund (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I had never heard of a Bavarian Mountain Hound before my partner, Anton, broached the subject of getting one. We already had two black Labradors, a terrier, and two cats. As far as I was concerned, our animal family was complete.

All our animals worked. The two Labradors worked with Anton during bird season for retrieving pheasants, woodcock, snipe, and duck. The terrier would catch any rats around our farmhouse and the cats caught mice and left their headless bodies on our front step. Anton, however, felt there was a place for one more animal in our pack; a Bavarian Mountain Hound to help him track live and wounded deer during deer season. Similar to a Beagle in size but reddish-brown in color with a black face, it has a short coat and weighs about 70 lbs when fully grown. Hunters use this breed when they are tracking deer to shoot or when they wound a deer but it is still able to run. They are bred for tracking deer across mountains in Bavaria and can track a wounded deer for miles.

I took a lot of persuading. The animals we had already been costly and very hard, albeit rewarding, work. Bavarian Mountain Hounds are relatively new to Ireland, so it was difficult to find other people to ask questions about the breed. I researched as much as I could online and while I didn't find anything objectionable about them, I still wasn't sold. Due to them being a rare breed in Ireland, we knew that if we wanted one, we would have to go on a waiting list. Anton made some preliminary calls and to his disappointment, found there was only a handful of breeders in Ireland and their puppies were all booked for that year. I was relieved because it meant I had more time to make sure that this was the breed for us. I had a few specific concerns about the breed. Firstly, we live in a rural community and I had read that they were unreliable off lead if they caught a scent. We let our dogs run freely around our home often and I was afraid a Bavarian Mountain Hound would run too far afield, or worse, chase neighboring sheep.

We went about our lives and put the dog out of our minds. A few weeks passed when a breeder from Northern Ireland got in contact with Anton. He had been let down by someone who had booked a male puppy and wanted to know if we would be interested. We talked it over for a few days and Anton had some long conversations with the breeder and eventually, we decided to go for it. The puppy was eight weeks old when we decided we wanted him. The breeder recommended we name him now and collect him when he was sixteen weeks, that way he could do some preliminary training with him. He also invited Anton up for a day to do some hunting so he could see the mother and father work. We were both happy with this arrangement and decided to call our new addition Riley.

Bavarian Mountain Hound Deutsch: Bayrischer Ge...
Bavarian Mountain Hound Deutsch: Bayrischer Gebirgsschweißhund (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A few weeks later, Anton made the long trek to Northern Ireland to collect Riley. He met his mother Heidi and his father Alfie and spent some time with the breeder learning about our new pet. When they arrived home, I met Riley at the door and fell in love instantly. Gangly and shy at first, he followed me into the living room and crawled up into my lap.

Riley definitely was not what I expected the breed to be. All the research I did before we brought him home was useful, but I had so much more to learn. He was adorable, as all puppies are, with his big dark face and long clumsy legs. We kept him by our sides for the first few days as we had done with all our puppies. Unlike our other puppies, Riley was very calm and not prone to the random bursts of excitement we had experienced with the Labradors and terriers. He loved our company and contrary to the mad Beagle type dog I was expecting, he was lazy and loved to lounge by the fire. At night, he went to his pen in our shed beside the other dogs and didn't cry or bark. It was a far cry from the separation anxiety all our other dogs had experienced and in short, I couldn't believe our luck.

Our first insight into the negative traits of the breed was a few days after we brought Riley home. He was so calm and didn't seem to suffer from anxiety at being in the pen at night, so we thought nothing of leaving him alone in our living room while we went to do our shopping. We pulled our curtains so the cats couldn't tease him at the window and left on our short trip. This was a big mistake. When we returned home, I noticed straight away that the curtains were now open. On closer inspection, they weren't open. They had been ripped in half. Yes, our wonderful, calm, placid, puppy was, in fact, a normal puppy after all.

Riley is nearly a year old now and the Bavarian Mountain Hound is my favorite breed of dog. He is loyal, smart and a fantastic hunting companion to Anton. They tracked many deer together this season and while he is lazy and loves to lounge by the fire at home when hunting, he is dedicated and engaged and can go for miles. As he demonstrated by destroying my beautiful curtains, he hates being on his own and is very destructive when left inside alone for any length of time. As I write this he is curled up beside me with his head on my shoulder. 

He is fiercely loyal and loving to his owners, as is typical of the breed. He gets along with the other dogs but he definitely sees himself as more of a human than a dog and seeks out human companionship above canine. His hunting instinct means the poor cats get chased if they cross his path, but he is gentle and loving with children. He's no guard dog, where the Labradors and terrier will bark the house down if they hear someone outside, he will barely lift his head from the bed.

If you are considering adding a Bavarian Mountain Hound to your family, there are a few things you should seriously consider. Do you have an interest in hunting? These dogs are scent driven and it is in their nature to hunt. They enjoy tracking above all other forms of play and exercise. Do you have plenty of time to spend with the dog on a daily basis? This breed adores their owners and gets very upset when they can't be with them. Can you commit to loving and caring for a dog for approximately fourteen years? If you can answer yes to these questions and decide to adopt a Bavarian Mountain Hound, you will find yourself a loyal and loving companion for years to come. Adding Riley to our family was one of the best decisions we have ever made, I hope this article helps you to make the right decision for your animal family.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Keeping Your GOLDEN RETRIEVER Healthy

A Golden Retriever at 12 years old with hip pr...
A Golden Retriever at 12 years old with hip problems (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Once you have helped your Golden Retriever build up his immune system, he will be healthy and strong enough to fend off any type of illness.  There are ways that you can help your Golden with his immune system, which is more or less what you feed him.  If you care about your Golden Retriever and want to help him develop a strong immune system - you’ll find this information very helpful.

When you feed your Golden, give him some homemade food.  You can substitute this for canned food, or mix it in together.  Homemade food tastes a lot better to your dog, and it contains a lot of the nutrients and vitamins he needs.  When you give him water, give him spring water.  Although many prefer to give their Golden water from the faucet, spring water is actually a lot better for him than any other type of water.

When you give him a treat or a bone, you should always give him raw bones with plenty of meat on the bone, as they will help him to develop a strong set of white teeth.  Teeth are very important with Golden Retrievers, which is why you want to make sure that his teeth stay strong and healthy.  If you give him a bone a day, he will have plenty to chew on to keep his teeth healthy. You can also use chew toys as well, especially when you are playing with him, as they will help him to develop strength in his jaws.

You can also help to keep your Golden Retriever healthy by knowing a bit about health problems that he could have.  This way, you’ll able to keep track of what your vet diagnoses.  If your vet tells you something that is wrong with your Golden, you should know a little bit about what he tells you, and how you can help to take care of the problem.

To help your Golden Retriever avoid any type of reproductive problems, you should look into having a male neutered.  Reproductive problems are common with Golden’s and can lead to more serious problems if you don’t do something about it.  If you aren’t planning to breed your Golden Retriever, you should have him neutered as soon as you can, to help prevent any type of reproductive problems.

If you take care of your dog and keep him healthy, he will live a lot longer.  You should always strive to keep your dog healthy so he can live a pain-free life.  As long as you feed him a proper diet and let him get plenty of exercises, he will stay strong and healthy.  Golden Retrievers that grow to be strong and healthy make great pets, as they can join you in exercise and provide plenty of fun for your entire family.