Monday, October 16, 2017

Hefty DOGS

Unfortunately, more and more canines are becoming overweight. Obese pets live shorter lives and generally acquire other related health issues. What is it possible to do if your puppy is putting on the weight?

The very first thing to do is take a good look at the way you interact together with dog.

Do you feed the dog family table leftovers? Does your dog get between mealtime treats? Does your dog have chips with you if you are watching television?

overweight dog profile
These items can easily be eliminated. Only feed the dog at his dinner times. He does not require all those additional calories. You don't have to be terrible, but you will have to reduce the number of snacks he receives every day.

Look at just how much dinner you will be providing him and read your dog food label carefully. You may be over feeding the family dog. Nearly all puppy foods list on the content label exactly how much food a pet ought to be given on a daily basis. Make certain that you're following these instructions. Numerous owners find out that they have switched companies and did not take the trouble to go through the content label and discover that the canine is actually receiving an excessive amount of food.

Do you have to give your canine a goody to make him obey? If you do, you might want to spend some time re-training your four-legged friend. Most dogs love to delight their masters, and often will perform for encouragement by itself. Keep the puppy guessing. Ask him to complete a trick but only reward him every second time. Give the animal a lot of compliments and pets as soon as your puppy does respond accurately. Continue on doing this and slowly get rid of the need for a food incentive.

Additionally you need to look into the amount of physical exercise your four-legged friend is actually receiving on a daily basis. Leaving the animal outside in the backyard just isn't adequate. Very few family pets will workout themselves. They may be outdoors but they are probably not really burning calories from fat. You must get out and have fun with the dog or take him for a walk around the block.

When the weather conditions or even your situation won't allow for a lot of walks you'll want to consider additional workout choices. Retain the services of a walker, find ways to get the dog lively inside your home, but get your pet moving.

As a responsible dog owner see what and how your puppy eats and your friend will live a a lot longer and much healthier life.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

BLACK LABRADOR Puppy - Puppies of the World

BLACK LABRADOR Puppy -  Puppies of the World - Photo: Wikimedia

Saturday, October 14, 2017

BASSET HOUNDS - The Skinny on These Chubby Dogs

Leroy - Basset Hound A (39)
Basset Hound - Photo  by Justin Beckley 
The Basset Hounds we all know and love today have bloodlines that descend from England in the middle-to-late 19th century. However, the Basset breed actually got its start (best as anyone who has delved into it can ascertain) much earlier, and in France, of all places. This was in the 16th century. Now, I know what you're thinking... how can such a magnificent and flawless dog breed as the glorious Basset Hound has had its origins in France? I have to confess that it does makes things a bit more complicated for me emotionally, since I detest that snooty, has-been nation (kidding, sort of), BUT...

My love for Bassets wins out every time!
The AKC officially deemed Bassets 'worthy' in 1885 by recognizing them. I guess they didn't realize that Basset Hounds are all BORN perfect and, thus, are beyond such trifles as being "recognized" by the almighty AKC (oooh!). But I've learned to forgive such human errors.

You may be wondering why French folks would concoct such a funny-looking dog breed. The answer is pretty boring, actually (as are most things French...ok, enough!). Nobles of that time liked to hunt. A lot. But the French countryside featured a lot of dense brush and thickets. The hunters' prey (deer, rabbits, etc.) routinely escaped into nearby cover. Hunters didn't like being stymied by mere animals.
Enter Monsieur Basset Hound (say it like this: Misssssssure Bass-ay Ound). Developing a dog breed that could smell and hear just about anything from one side of the nation to the other, and who would fearlessly bound into the thickest of brush, became essential. Being low to the ground made them more efficient hunting machines.

So, now you know why Bassets are funny looking. But isn't the way they look the very reason why you find them adorable and huggable? *NOTE: If you do NOT find them both adorable and huggable, stop reading now. I mean it. Go away.

Basset Hound Characteristics
The name "Basset" is a play on the French word for 'low' - bas. The English, clever devils that they are, combined that word with the English word for how something is positioned - 'set.' Bas-set. Low set Hounds. Cool, huh?

Basset Hounds typically come in combinations of the following colors: brown, black, white, and red. So-called 'tri-colors' are the most common nowadays (brown, black, and white).

Quick! What's the first thing that comes to mind when you visualize a Basset Hound? The long ears, of course! Do you know why they were bred to possess such ridiculously long ears? I do. OK, I'll let you in on it. It was NOT primarily to improve their hearing (the common myth). It was all about picking up the prey's scent.

Imagine if you walked with your head a foot or so off the ground all the time. Now imagine having ears that dang near dragged the ground. Ears flopping back and forth with every step. Besides never getting any dates, you'd also catch a whole lot more of every scent in the vicinity with those tremendous lobes.

For a hunting dog, a finely tuned ability to pick up faint scents equals success for the master. And now you know why Bassets have those trademark ears. You must promise to use this information only for good...never for evil.
The tale continues...

Basset Hound Temperament
When you picture a Basset Hound's daily activities, what do you see? Most people imagine a lazy, sprawling, sleeping and eating machine. And that's pretty much right on target for most Bassets. Every now and then, some mutant Basset will spring forth who actually becomes delusional and thinks he's a Jack Russell Terrier, all wired up and full of pep. But those types are few and very far between, thankfully.

In terms of getting along and playing well with others, Basset Hounds are among the best. It goes back to their breeding, again. They are pack animals by nature, so docility among the pack was an especially advantageous and much sought after characteristic. Yes, individuals will vary, but you have a much better than 50-50 chance at raising a low-key, unassuming pet with this breed. And this includes how he gets along with other pet dogs. Males and females share this trait.

There is a vicious rumor floating around about Bassets being hard to train because they're stubborn and strong-willed. Slanderous! OK, actually, that's true. But nobody's perfect, and I bet you weren't exactly the model child! So stop being so critical, miss or mister high-and-mighty.

Among Basset trainers, you hear this sentence a whole lot: "Bassets are easy to train, as long as you're trying to get them to do what they wanted to do in the first place." That's as close to a truism as you'll find in the dog universe. If you adopt a Basset with the intention of making an obedient little trooper out of him, prepare yourself for years of frustration. Be happy that he's loyal and allows you to feed him and give him lots of toys. Enough said.

Some Basset Tips
First, you have to keep Basset Hounds on a diet pretty much from the time they're grown until they pass away. This is much easier said than done, as any Basset owner will attest. They have faces that just beg to be given treats for any action, including waking up, looking around, yawning, and the other major accomplishments of a typical Basset's day. Resist that urge!

Basset Hounds are naturally heavy, and it's very easy to make it worse if you don't stick to a pretty strict dietary regimen. Obesity in dogs leads to canine diabetes at an alarming rate (just like humans). This breed is particularly susceptible, so be careful. A daily walk is a terrific idea as well.

Staying with the health rant for another minute - clean your Basset's ears often! Their huge size makes them ideal breeding grounds for all kinds of nasty little critters on the insides; and the outsides tend to collect dirt, food from bowls, and water (which turns the dirt and food remnants to a mushy mess). Not exactly hygienic.

Finally, never ever, under any circumstances, let a Basset Hound run around loose outside without a fence that is well maintained. They're specialized hunters - bred to find their way into (and out of) tiny openings. And they're intelligent. That's a potentially lethal combination for your pet, especially if you live near roadways. A Basset believes he has the right to be in the middle of the road if the scent led him there. Vehicles be damned! No need to endure that kind of tragedy. Keep your Basset INSIDE (or at least behind a fence with no possibility of escape).

Friday, October 13, 2017

CORNISH REX Cat - Cats of the World

Cornish Rex

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Information Regarding the CORNISH REX CAT

Cornish Rex - Photo by PJLewis 
Cornish Rex is a feline breed that was first reported in the mid of twentieth century in 'Cornwall' United Kingdom when a very unique looking kitten was seen in a domestic cat litter. This baby was a result of genetic mutation and displayed a singular appearance. It had no outer hair and a different body type than other cats.

The striking appearance aroused interest and breeding of this felid was started in earnest. Earlier efforts were not quite successful and it took some time before healthy cats with consistent attributes were seen regularly in litters. During their development, Cornish Rex cats were outcrossed with Siamese to give them the elegant body form they currently possess. Today they enjoy widespread recognition in most parts of the world.

Cornish Rex cats have a very lithe yet muscular appearance. They may appear somewhat fragile owing to their slender, almost hairless, bodies but are in fact quite hard and strong in their physical make-up. Legs are long and finely built and enable the cat to produce great bursts of speed in no time. Head is small with prominent cheek bones and big ears. Coat is incredibly soft and made up entirely of down hair, or the undercoat. They are curly and smooth and shed very little, leading to fewer allergies for their owners. A number of coat colors and patterns are seen.

Even as they are quite similar to the Devon Rex in appearance, there are certain differences between the two. First is the mutant gene that leads to the characteristic appearance of the Cornish Rex - this differs from the mutated gene of the Devon Rex. Second the Devon Rex has the outer coat of guard hair that Cornish Rex cats lack. Still the Cornish Rex coat is denser. Also the facial appearance is a little different, with the Cornish sporting a distinct Roman nose in contrast to the Devon.

Cornish Rex have one of the best personalities of all feline breeds. They are very active and energetic and continue their playful behavior throughout their lives.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

SAVANNAH KITTEN - Kittens of the World

SAVANNAH KITTEN - Kittens of the World

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What Humans Can Do to Help HYPOALLERGENIC DOGS

Tender eyes...
Bichon * Hypoallergenic Dog - Photo  by FlyNutAA 
Human beings are not the only species that can suffer from allergies. Dogs can also have allergic reactions to objects in the home, chemicals, and pollutants in the air, dog food, and their own hair and dander. Finding the source of these allergies can be difficult especially if the dog is allergic to a few things. If you have a dog that suffers from allergies, you may notice that they sneeze when around harmful chemicals, vomit after eating, have skin rashes, patches of fur missing, runny nose and eyes, or they may show signs of fatigue or restlessness.

Noticing these signs is the first step to helping your dog lead a normal, healthy life. You should monitor your dog for a month to see how it reacts to its environment, its food, and its own hair and dander. Since dogs need to keep themselves clean, they may be swallowing allergens that can cause an allergic reaction. The best way to combat a hair and dander allergy is to bathe your dog once a month and brushing the dog once a day.

If your dog has a thick undercoating, it will trap allergens and dander and keep it from falling off the body. After a while, the dander will build up and fall off or be swallowed. If you have allergies, this could be one of the causes. Brushing the undercoating every day will help remove excess hair before it is swallowed or falls on the floor or carpeting. This will reduce your allergy problems as well.

Sometimes chemicals in dog food can lead to food allergies. If your dog vomits at least once a day, then they may be allergic to the food they are eating. Hypoallergenic dog food is available. The food contains fewer chemicals while providing your dog with enough nutrition. Try this dog food to see if it will reduce the vomiting. Wet dog food may also help your dog digest their foods easily. If the vomiting does not stop, you should visit the vet to see if your dog has other health problems.

Dogs that are allergic to cleaning supplies, mold, and shampoo may be more difficult to treat. You can switch to natural cleaning supplies that do not contain bleach and other harmful chemicals. This may help your dog breathe a little better. You can also have your home tested for mold, which could be causing your own allergies, and you can switch dog shampoos and try one for hypoallergenic dogs. You should not wash your dog more than twice a month as you could make the dog’s skin dry and flaky, which is why they are scratching and pulling more often than usual.

Taking care of a dog with allergies is easy once you have identified the problem. Asking a vet for advice is a good idea if you do not know where to begin. They will be able to ask the right questions and help you find the answers so you will be able to administer the proper treatments.

Monday, October 9, 2017

CAT Beds

English: Sleeping male cat. A young cat of 1 y...
Sleeping male cat. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cats and dogs spend a lot of their time sleeping so a comfortable bed is very important.  Cats like to be very comfortable when they are sleeping so getting them a cat bed that will keep them warm is a good ides.  Heated cat beds can be found right here, with a click of your mouse. 

If you are looking for a more traditional cat bed then why not consider a wicker cat bed.  Wicker cat beds are great for cats, they offer needed support, as well as comfort for size.  A window cat bed is also great, and then your cat can lie lazily in the sun in its cat bed looking out the window. Windowsill cat beds take into consideration the cat’s curiosity.

If your cat is definitely a prince or princess then, by all means, a fancy cat bed or a designer cat bed is definitely what your cat needs.  If you have multiple cats then look at getting a cat bunk bed for them to share, or a cat bed tree.  Cats like to be close and share with other cats this will give them the opportunity.

If your cat stays outside most of the time then look at getting your cat an outdoor cat bed or a cheap cat bed that you can replace every few months.  Discount cat beds are also great for this reason.  Don’t forget to consider pet bedding for your cat bed.

It is important to remember that because cats do shed, a washable cat bed is very important to help keep the cat dander and cat hair to a minimum in your house.  Another good ideas it to have two cat beds (even if you only have one cat) this will ensure that you wash your cat bed regularly because you know that there is always a clean one waiting to take its place.

Whatever your style, as well as your cats needs, get the bed that is right.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Kurilian Bobtail Kitten - Kittens of the World

Kurilian Bobtail Kitten - Kittens of the World - Photo: Wikimedia

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Importance Of Organic DOG GROOMING

2013 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show: Tibetan Mastiff GCH Sierras'Sasha-Yakone Nanuk
Tibetian Mastiff - Photo   by 
Despite the savings to your schedule and wallet, you may still feel that the hassle of learning grooming instructions outweighs the benefits. Grooming your furry friend takes a lot of time and patience, preparation, and commitment. Without these, you cannot survive to take the responsibilities of an owner.

Just a couple of minutes every day may increase the bond between you and your pet as well as improve its overall health. Also, it is better to consider organic dog grooming in Miami. There are many natural ways of grooming. All dogs can benefit from regular bathing. However, the same with dog food, a lot of shampoos also contain harmful ingredients.

It is vital to choose the safest and effective shampoo products that cannot dry their skin as well as their hair. You should check if there are ingredients mixed in any product such as surfactants, insecticides, artificial fragrances, and foaming. It is better to use herbs like citrus oil and organic compounds. This way, you will be able to protect them from skin irritation.

Apart from bathing, another thing to consider is to keep their ears clean as it can lessen itching and even bacterial and yeast ears infections. Thus, before choosing a product, it is vital to check the label of your shampoo to avoid those products containing harmful chemicals that could irritate them. Try using ear cleaners and washers that only contain organic oils and avoid those products with alcohol.

Dental disease is a common disease of many dogs and other animals. Thus, a regular brushing is helpful to reduce the frequency of cleanings that could only be performed under anesthesia. A product that is put on toothbrush should not contain harmful chemicals. You should also avoid using human dental products as it contains artificial components which are toxic to them.

With just a bit of research, you can easily find high quality organic and natural grooming products that are safe enough and effective. Basically, groomers seem to be getting more expensive as time flies and for owners who need high maintenance for their dogs, they have to drive to the groomer, drive back and pay for the service. It is quite a time consuming and expensive as well.

You only have to consider the things that should be done to save more money and time. You may consider doing it by your own and use organic products. There are some dogs that are not wagging their tails especially if they are traveling far places to their groomers. So, if you would reduce this activity to them and learn the process of proper grooming, then it will also worth your time and effort.

Grooming your pet at home will likely to become a source of bond for both of you. It allows you to spend more time and obedience training with them. Even if you decide to continue using a professional groomer from Miami, FL, you still need to groom them from time to time. Remember, cleanliness means healthiness.

Once you have gathered information about this undertaking, then it would be easier for you to perform it. This way, you can build a relationship with them while maintaining their health. Through this, you will be able to obtain the results you are aiming for.

    About the Author: Leslie Ball

Friday, October 6, 2017


(Original Title: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog Breed Profile)

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel at the  Palo Alto Baylands
Photo by donjd2
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is considered a toy dog. This dog stands 13 to 18 inches at the withers and weighs between 10 and 18 pounds. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a long, silky coat with feathering on the legs, tail, and ears. The coat comes in four colors: Blenheim, ruby, tricolor, and black and tan. Although the tail of the Cavalier is usually left its natural length, it is sometimes docked by one third. This dog can have a life span of 9 to fourteen years. It is also called the Ruby Spaniel or the Blenheim Spaniel.

King Charles II of England is most closely associated with the Spaniel that bears his name. Even as a child, he was surrounded by this breed of dog. After he attained the throne, he promoted the breed and allowed the little dogs the run of the palace. It is said that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel even whelped on the royal bed. This small dog is present in art from the 16th to 18th centuries and was used to help attract fleas as well as its duties as a comforter dog. Breeding with the Pug produced a shorter faced dog, the King Charles Spaniel. However, an American fancier Roswell Eldridge, bred the breed back to the more original dog and recreated the Cavalier.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is exclusively a companion dog, despite its old Spaniel hunting instincts. It is a very affectionate and happy little dog that thrives when given attention by its human friends. This is a very playful dog that wants to please those around it. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an excellent companion for anyone and is trustworthy and gentle with children. It loves to cuddle and bonds strongly to its family.

Health Issues: 
Although the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a fairly healthy toy breed, it can suffer from a variety of inherited health problems. One of the most serious problems is mitral valve heart disease, which begins as a heart murmur and can become worse as time goes on. Another serious condition is syringomyelia, in which cysts will form on the spinal column. This can be a painful condition for the dog. The potential owner of this engaging little dog would be well advised to make sure the dog is purchased from a reputable breeder who has followed intelligent breeding practices.

Since the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has such a long coat, it is important to keep it well groomed. The dog should be brushed every day to prevent matting and the hair on the feet should be kept trimmed, especially around the toe and foot pads. The long ears should be checked regularly and kept clean and dry to prevent infections. Pay some attention to the eyes, too, to make sure they remain infection free.

Living Conditions: 
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a house dog. It cannot live in an outside situation, either physically or mentally. This little dog needs to be around people as much of the time as possible. The dog will adapt its exercise needs to its owner, so it is suitable for both active and inactive lifestyles. Regardless of the owner's exercise needs, however, the dog does need a walk every day. It is very suitable for living in an apartment.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

History Of The PIT BULL

Pit Bull - Photo  by    max schneider  (cc)
No other breed of dog has experienced as many discriminations and misconceptions as has the Pit Bull.  While some people would tell you that Pit Bulls are a gentle and harmless pet, other people consider them as wicked and evil enough to be Satan’s guard dog.  Although neither viewpoint is accurate, both have some basis in fact and in the dog’s controversial origin.

Humans and dogs have long shared a bond that was based on function.  Early dogs that were the least valuable and useful did not make it into today’s time.  On the other hand, the most valuable and helpful of dogs remained and created others like them.  Ultimately, breed predecessors were produced by breeding the best hunters to the best hunters and the best guards to the best guards.  Those that proved to be the toughest and the bravest, which are traits that were most valued during the early times, became more and more specialized.

By the Greek era, large and powerful dogs which were called Molossians, were very popular and valued as a high price piece.  Phoenician traders regarded them as an expensive commodity and used them as a bartering item.  By means of bartering, the Molossians were distributed along the Phoenician shipping course which included stopovers in ancient Britain.  The Molossians who remained in Britain became further specialized and brought about the beginning of the mastiff line of dogs.

The Mastiffs were polished as war dogs in Britain.  When the Romans invaded Britain, they were impressed by the Mastiffs’ stance and strength that they brought some back to their country.  The Mastiffs then became known as fighters or “dog gladiators” who went against humans, lions, bears, and even against each other.

Like Rome, the British also revealed in this vicious sport.  They also placed high worth on contests that showed animals fighting to the death.  The display of a powerful dog fighting and ultimately killing a bull was the biggest entertainment that the villages could provide its citizens.  This form of entertainment extended over all classes and by the sixteenth-century bull-baiting and bear-baiting became the finale for a royal night of entertainment.

The dogs’ owners gained popularity for their animal’s impressive act, and the offspring of these dog gladiators were desired and sought after for their capability of delivering high prices.  And because of their power, strength, and ability to bring wealth to their owners, more and more of these dogs were produced over the course of time.  This is where the Pit Bull claims his heritage.

During part one of our brief history of the Pit Bull, we touched upon the origins of the fighting arena which included this dog.  From Rome to Britain, these dogs were used as fighting sports dogs which ranged in battles with other Pit Bulls, to lions, to animals as fierce as cage bulls, in which this dog invariably got its name.

In order to understand the influence that created the Pit Bull of today and what could be a dire future for the Pit Bull of tomorrow, you should be aware of its roots and origin.  This remarkable and yet controversial dog is a mixture of strength and softness, between fun and serious business, all wrapped up in loyalty and love.

Where did Pit Bulls come from and why were they branded as the most vicious dogs that were ever to walk the planet?

 During the sixteenth century, the cruel practice of bull-baiting was the favorite pastime of the British.  Bull-baiting is a spectator sport in which one or two dogs were released and would try to grab a bull (which was chained to a stake) by the nose.  This exhibit of tormenting the bull often lasted for hours for the purpose of entertainment. The British also had a misguided belief that torturing the animal before killing it made its meat more tender.  For these reasons, bull-baiting became very popular to everyone from all walks of life.

This atrocious sport finally became illegal in England at around 1835, but that only forced the dogfighting fans and gamblers to conduct their own covert matches underground.  And although organizing an underground bull-baiting event would have been a difficult task, setting up a dogfight in a barn or back room without being caught was quite easy.

The sport favored a somewhat smaller and swifter dog than the ones that were used at baiting bulls and other large animals.  Many historians believe that the stocky bull-baiting dogs were crossed with the more swift and alert terriers to create a small, strong, and agile breed that was named Bull and Terrier.  Other historians think that the Bulldog of the time was very similar to today’s Pit Bull and it was a simple process of choosing and breeding the most successful fighters.

As the Bull and Terriers or Bulldogs became less recognized for their bull-baiting ability and began to be more popular for their fighting skills in the pits, these breeds became known as Pit Bulldogs, or as we call them today, Pit Bulls.
Nowadays, Pit Bulls are recognized as fun-loving dogs that would make wonderful additions to any family.  But that way of thinking has not always been the case.  Before they were considered great pets, these dogs once endured awful prejudice and unfairness because of their ability and strength.

Although dog fighting is considered illegal, fans and supporters continued to carry out the sport with minimal interference from law enforcement.  In the 1970’s however, the American Dog Owner’s Association (ADOA) decided to lobby against dogfights.  The association successfully brought public attention to pit fighting, helping to push it into the shadows and completely put an end to the sport.

But that did not stop the supporters and enthusiasts to carry on with the game.  Dog fighting continued and went underground.  Instead of turning people away, the sport’s illegal nature only attracted more people, many who whom knew more about the game’s pay-offs but had very little knowledge about the Pit Bulls.

Knowledgeable breeders of fighting Pit Bulls could no longer disclose information about training methods for fear of getting caught by the authorities.  For this reason, novice dog trainers, as well as Pit Bull breeders, began using cruel practices to train these dogs.  They would often use stolen puppies and other dogs to try to encourage the Pit Bulls to kill.  These breeders and trainers would go as far as feed them with gunpowder to make them mean.  In addition, they used other people to beat the dogs with clubs in order for them to turn aggressive toward strangers.

Needless to say, these poor methods of training were unsuccessful and the dogs rarely won at matches.  The breeders and trainers had no other choice but to discard these dogs.  The terrible harm that was done to these dogs made them very difficult to bring home as pets and the harm done to the dog’s reputation was beyond measurable.

While most people shun these dogs because of their notorious reputation, some people seek them in order to have the toughest dog on the block.  Although certain types of breeds filled the position throughout the years, it was not until the early 1980’s when the Pit Bull made it to the top of the list.

While most people think that the Pit Bull makes the supreme macho dog, a lot of them do not understand the instinctive nature of the breed and the training it requires.  In an attempt to create a bigger and more aggressive dog, these people promote random aggression and even cross their dogs with larger and more aggressive breeds.  This mixture of bad breeding and bad training produced more aggressive dogs that have resulted in the Pit Bull’s notorious popularity.

    Article Written By J. Foley

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Veggies For Your Pets? - PET FOOD

Vegetables in your dog’s diet, and minor amounts in your cat’s diet, can enhance their health and provide a rich and diverse supply of nutrients, enzymes, healthy fibre and antioxidants. In the wild, dogs and cats would have acquired plant foods through the semi-digested remnants in the stomachs of their prey; vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Canines possess a greater ability to break down plant matter and synthesize relevant nutrients therein. Because of this, although classified as carnivores, they are in fact omnivorous and are not solely reliant on animal meat for sustenance. Wolves can be observed eating fallen fruit and berries, and first consume the stomach and intestines of their prey where plant foods can be found.

Felines on the other hand are obligate carnivores and are unable to manufacture essential nutrients from plant matter. These include the amino acids taurine and arginine, and the fatty acid arachidonic acid. Unlike omnivores cats also cannot convert vitamin A from beta-carotene in plants and need animal-derived sources of vitamin A such as liver. Accept for smaller prey which cats eat whole, in the wild the stomach and intestines tend to be avoided, yet organs such as heart, liver and lungs are enjoyed.

Cats require a lot more protein in their diet than dogs and are in no way adapted to digesting carbohydrates. In the wild vegetable matter in their diet is minimal and in a semi-digested state in the guts of their prey. Cats can rely pretty much entirely on protein and fat for energy conversion, both being converted into glucose by the liver, and other essential nutrients can be gained through meat, soft tissue and bones.

Thankfully pet owners are beginning to move away from toxic, poor grade and species-inappropriate commercial pet food. Natural, holistic, homemade and raw diets are being favored, which can include healthy plant-based ingredients (not grains however, which are used as cheap fillers in commercial products and ill-suited the physiology of cats and dogs). The beauty with homemade meals is that you can ensure fresh quality ingredients and easily incorporate vegetables and fruit.

Where dogs can eat around 30% plant foods in their daily diet, cats only require around 5-10%. With both, ensure veggies are blended well as they do not easily digest cellulose. This also makes it easy to mix the vegetables with the rest of the homemade meal. As cats only require a very small proportion of veggies in their meal, you can blend veggies and freeze the mix in an ice-cube tray, defrosting one cube a day for their meals.

Include a range of vegetables and always aim to include something green. Green vegetables contain chlorophyll which is cleansing and detoxifying. Chlorophyll is a great liver ally, assisting in the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body and also shows anti-carcinogenic potential. Human studies in China have found that chlorophyll may help delay the onset of symptoms of liver cancer caused by mycotoxic grains as are sometimes found in commercial pet foods.

You can use throw away vegetable parts such as outer leaves, ends and stems or left over cooked vegetables that you don’t consume. Raw is always preferable however as nutrient and enzyme content is maximum.

You can supplement your dog or cat’s diet with superfoods such as kelp or alfalfa (the latter more suited for dogs) and algae such as chlorella and spirulina. These are very alkalizing however and as dogs and cats in particular require an acidic diet, only very small amounts are advisable. Always research dosage amounts before giving any kind of supplements.

Vegetable Choices

You can experiment with most vegetables. Try any of the following: carrots, celery, chard, spinach, avocados, kale, squash, watercress, cabbage, turnips, broccoli, peas, green beans, cauliflower and asparagus.

Some below-ground vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes are included here. These are higher in sugar content however and as such should be used in smaller proportion to any above-ground vegetable choices. You can add some occasional fruit also such as blueberries, bananas, apples, papaya or pear.

As a note, raw onions are not friendly on your pet’s digestive system and can be dangerous to their health so should be avoided. Garlic is also a health risk for cats, though minor amounts occasionally in your dog’s diet may serve as a natural flea repellent, be sparing however as the sulphides in garlic can be detrimental to the blood cells of animals. I also avoid tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and potato.

Nuts and seeds can also be a valuable addition to your pet’s diet, containing healthy oils (walnuts and flaxseeds are particularly high in omega-3 oils), as well as vitamin E and minerals such as selenium (a powerful antioxidant particularly high in Brazil nuts).

You can grind your nuts and seeds before adding to your pet’s meal. Only small amounts are needed; for larger dogs aim for one nut or a few seeds a day, smaller dogs and cats every few days.

If you would like to change your pet's diet to a healthy, holistic, species-appropriate diet or are embarking on a natural homemade or raw food diet research the area first as nutritional balance is essenital.

Copyright 2006 Sylvia Riley

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why A GOLDENDOODLE Is A Perfect Pet For Anyone

Goldendoodle - Picture: Pixabay

Having a pet dog like a Groodle is likened to giving oneself a very special gift. It may mean a tiny penny taking care of it, yet for pet lovers, the costly grooming and nutrition requirements are plain obligations parents should take in hand for the betterment of their little ones. Pets are more than just home buddies. These can be anybody's companions even in extreme outdoor adventures. And if someone needs to be at home for the whole week while everybody others are on holiday, these great chums can definitely fill in the presence of their loved ones.

Groodles are also called Goldendoodles. They come in a plethora of sizes but regardless of physical magnitude, they are still huggable. Like bears, they are indeed as cuddly. What is more, Groodles are pretty versatile, gentle, and affectionate. Finding a perfect breed can never be a breeze, but nonetheless, there has to be a good breeder out there with a good guarantee of a buyer's money. Hence, one should spare adequate amount of effort in seeking for an ideal source of Goldendoodle Illinois; if not, he would end up regretting each time he realizes how wrong he was for picking a wrong dog.

Good breeders are popular to people. It may be wrong to resort directly to someone who has the loudest name but it is also not impractical to assume that this is beneficial somehow. Word-of-mouth can be an effective way of advertising, and pretty sure, people behind it do just not makeup stories so as to become helpful.

A perfect breed is not only about its physical appearance. While it is tempting to buy a cute bow-wow with the finest fur and pretty face, it is important to recognize the nature or temperament of the dog regardless of how tamed it is at first glance. There are Goldendoodles that can be aggressive depending on how they are raised.

The characteristics of the dog are not easy to determine in a snap. It is best to spend time at the pet shop or kennel where they are raised and sold. Just like a person, though, a dog needs some time to adjust with a stranger.

Hopeful pet owners must wallow in their verdicts about buying especially when faced with critical issues regarding health and finances. It is nice to have pets but if they jeopardize them in many ways, they had better insist not on a decision that can result in their own misfortune.

Dogs need adequate vaccination and nutrition. If their owners fall short in providing their basic needs, they had better say goodbye to them any minute. As much as dogs need special attention, these also need to be heartfelt care.

Interested individuals must acquaint themselves about the things they consequences of owning one. Other owners can give them hints on the right ways of raising pets. It pays to ask.

Dogs are amazing creatures. They are brilliant entertainers for anybody down in the dumps as well as great buddies for lonesome individuals. Buying one can be a lot, but as long as one has a friend to hold on to whenever he needs one then his decision is perfectly justified.

    About the Author: Lena Stephenson
You can visit for more helpful information about Why A Goldendoodle Is A Perfect Pet For Anyone.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Protect Your Family And Pets Against Shared THREATS

None - This image is in the public domain and ...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
On one hand, there are many ways having a pet can contribute to your health. Pets offer emotional support, help people exercise and assist the disabled.

On the other hand, pets (and other animals) can also spread diseases to people. Called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses, they can be especially dangerous for young children and people with certain medical conditions.

There are two main types. One, such as leptospirosis (a bacterial infection), can be transmitted from animals to people. The other type infects both people and pets. Lyme disease, for example, can cause arthritis and is spread by ticks.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your family and pets healthy. According to veterinarians, you should:

• Get a wellness exam for your pet every six months. Remember, pets age seven times faster, on average, than people and need regular checkups.

• Make sure your pet is protected against disease whenever possible. Many zoonotic diseases, including leptospirosis, Lyme disease, rabies and giardia (a parasitic infection), can be prevented by vaccination.

• Ask your veterinarian about flea and tick control.

• Wash your hands often when touching, playing with or caring for pets.

• Never handle the stool of any animal without wearing disposable gloves or using a plastic barrier.

• Avoid kissing your pet or letting him lick your face.

• Do daily "tick checks" on yourself, your kids and your pet. If you find a tick, use tweezers to slowly pull it out. After removing the tick, immerse it in rubbing alcohol. Wash the tick bite wound and your hands with soap and water.

• If you're pregnant, have someone else clean the cat's litter box. If you must do it yourself, wear gloves and immediately wash your hands after changing the litter.

• Wash your hands after gardening or working in soil where pets may have relieved themselves.

• If you are scratched or bitten, wash the area with soap and water right away and administer first aid. If you are concerned, contact your health care professional.

• Not let your pet drink from standing water outdoors.

• Remove food, garbage or nesting material that may attract disease-carrying wildlife.

To help protect pets and the people they come in contact with, thousands of U.S. veterinary clinics are participating in National Pet Wellness Month, a veterinary clinic-centered educational campaign sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association and Fort Dodge Animal Health.

Veterinary clinics offer pet wellness exams and consult with pet owners about disease prevention and other ways to help their pets live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Your veterinarian will know the predominant disease threats in your area and can develop a plan to provide disease protection for you and your pet.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

BASENJI - Dogs of the World

BASENJI - Dogs of the World - Photo: Pixels

Saturday, September 30, 2017

YORKSHIRE Terrier - Dogs of the World

Yorkshire Terrier